
The development of a binary design system for pictorial element configurations with specified colors that is suitable for a digital computer program is presented. The design system has been made possible by taking account of the close parallels between logic (Boolean algebra), electronic circuitry and overlap in a Venn diagram. Examples of pictures generated by the system are shown. Each picture can be considered as a unified whole of pictorial relationships and also (this is more important) as just one of the possible compositions in the broad spectrum of order relationships allowed by the design system.

The author points out that the object of this kind of work is not how to produce single artistically unique pictures but rather to develop a process for the generation of pictures to help make evident some other changes in relationships that are indicative of the interdependence of various aspects (cultural, technological, economic, social, political, etc.) of the real world. Also, this kind of work can be considered as a contribution to efforts to bring about interdisciplinary cooperation, which is felt to be an important cultural objective today.

