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80 T I K K U N W W W. T I K K U N . O R G M A R C H / A P R I L 2 0 1 0 political toxins poisonally. That is where love comes in, because love is the one solution that will dissolve negativity. Of this, I am positive: love will positively dissolve negativity. StepOne:WakeUpLaughing Do you realize that billions of people worldwide go to bed serious every night? And wake up the same way? Seriously. So naturally—or in this case, unnaturally —theworldisinseriouscondition.Between the stresses of work, the economy, and a steady diet of bad news, is it any wonder so many people have gained weightiness? Do you ever wake up in the morning with a funny feeling? Great. Go with it! Feel the levitational pull uplifting the corners of your mouth into a smile. You want to uplift humankind? Uplift your face first, and everyone else will get the idea. StepTwo:WiseUpLoving In the midst of our evolutionary upwising , we must amp up the loving— particularly loving that which we find most unlovable. Why? The lovable has no problem getting love, because it’s so ... lovable. Meanwhile the unlovable is left unloved, and so acts unlovingly, and becomes even more unlovable. This is a vicious cycle that can indeed become a never-ending cycle of viciousness, unless we end it. So, as the old saying goes, when you find yourself caught up in a vicious cycle, stop peddling and get off. Now you’re going to love this: when we find some lovable part in the unlovable to love, that lovable part expands, and the unlovable shrinks. So ... if you find something unlovable, by loving what is lovable about it, you can love the unlovable to death! At the same time, we can love the lovableness to life! We do that by focusing on the positive. That is why I have launched my “Just say no to negativity” campaign. It is especially important that we give our children an esteem bath every day. Next time you see your youngster sprawled out on the couch playing video games, speak only positive words of praise: “What’s right with you, you useful good-for-something? And wipe that smile onto your face!” I guarantee that before long, he or she will be hanging out with a savory crowd. WeCanAchieve“Fulfilament”! As we wise up to the awful truth, we must then rise up to the awesome opportunity : humanifest destiny! We are here to manifest our destiny as imaginal souls in the body of a newly emerging organism called humanity, where each of us is totally unique—just like everyone else! We are here for one singular purpose—to let our light fully shine. The enlightened ones call this fulfilament. I never make predictions because I don’t want to jeopardize my nonprophet status. However, I do set intentions . And so, may 2010 be the year that we collectively tune out reality TV and tune into ... reality! We are in the hero’s role in the greatest adventure story in human history: conscious evolution! A world-win campaign where the whole world can win. May we use our intelligence intelligently and our hearts lovingly. May we wake up laughing, and may we wise up loving. And may we—each and all— achieve fulfilament. I Swami Beyondananda is the alter ego of Steve Bhaerman. Check out his e-book, Wake Up Laughing: An Insider’s Guide to the Cosmic Comedy and his book with Bruce Lipton, Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There From Here, both available at “We’re not here to earn God’s love, we’re here to spend it!” You really had to strain to hear the laugh track in 2009. Certainly, there was plenty to not laugh about. Take our political system—please! A year ago, Americans believed they had chosen not just a new president, but also a new precedent. Well, now that the “hopium” fix is wearing off, we must face the inconvenient truth that if we want a truly new deal, we the people must become the...

