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“Literature and Love” and “Vikram, the Vampire, and the Story” translated by Frances W. Pritchett. From Journal of South Asian Literature 18:2 (Summer-Fall 1983). Reprinted with permission.

“A Stranded Railroad Car,” “Lost Ones,” “Toward His Fire,” and “The Shadow” translated by Muhammad Umar Memon; “The Prisoner(s)” translated by C. M. Naim; “Comrades” translated by Richard R. Smith. From The Seventh Door and Other Stories (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1998). Reprinted with permission.

“Unwritten Epic,” “Complete Knowledge,” “City of Sorrow,” “Leaves,” “The Boat,” “A Chronicle of the Peacocks,” and “The Jungle of the Gonds” translated by Alok Bhalla and Vishwamitter Adil. From A Chronicle of the Peacocks (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2002). Reprinted with permission.

“Qayyuma’s Shop” translated by Moazzam Sheikh. From Stories (New Delhi: Katha, 2004). Reprinted with permission.

“The Death of Sheherzad” and “Between Me and the Story” translated by Rakhshanda Jalil. From The Death of Sheherzad (Uttar Pradesh, NOIDA: HarperCollins Publishers India, 2014). Reprinted with permission. [End Page 262]


