In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

RECENT PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO CANADA 259 VII ARTS AND SCIENCES Literature, Art, and Music BASSETT, ISABEL. The Transformationof Imperialism:ConnortoMacLennan.Jourhal of CanadianFiction,n, •, winter •973 BEATTIE, ELEANOR, A Handbook of Canadian Film. Toronto, Peter Martin, •973- PP280 , illus.$8.95 cloth,$2.95 paper BEST, J. LINDEN. The Theatre Royalat SpringGardens.Dalhousie Review,tin, 3, autumn •973, 520-8 BEVEmDGE,JA•ES. CultureandMediain Canada.American Review ofCanadian Studies, III, 3, spring•973, •35--45 COLLINS, L.W.Loyal Subjects, Able Artistsand HonestMen. NovaScotia Historical Q•rterly, III, 3, Sept. •973, 2•5-25 CUNNINGTON, BERNICE. RalphConnor.Canadian Author andBookman, spring•973, •5-•6 DOYLE, JA•ES.An American View of Northern Ontario: The 'Canadian' Booksof StewartH. White.Laurentian University Review /LaRevue del'Universitd Laurentienne, v, 4, Sept. •973, 6•-9 FERRES,JOHN. FromSurvival toAffirmation:NewPerspectives onCanadian Literary Criticism.American ReviewofCanadian Studies, •I, 3, spring •973, •22-35 FULFORD, ROBERT. GeneralPerspectives on CanadianCulture.American Review qf Canadian Studies, ni, 3, spring1973, 115-22 HOPKINS, RICHARD. AnInterviewwithMichaelBullock.British Columbia Library Quarterly ,xxxvI, 4, April 1973, 57-69 MACLAREN, GEORGE. NovaScotia's FirstSculptor. NovaScotia Historical Quarterly, III, 2, June 1973, • 17-2ø MACTAVISH, NEWTON. TheFineArtsin Canada. Coles Canadiana Collection. Toronto, Coles,•973- PP.344.$12.95cloth,$8.95paper.Facsimile of the •925 edition. Introduction by the directorof the McMichaelCanadianCollection,Robert McMichael. Contributors R.ARTHUR BOWLER iSa memberof theDepartmentof Historyat the StateUniversityof New York at Buffalo WILLIAM M. BAKER isa memberof the Departmentof Historyat the University of Lethbridge THOMAS D.TRAVES iSamemberof theDivisionof SocialScience, York University MARKMOHER is a ForeignServiceOfficer with the Departmentof External Affairs, Ottawa ...

