In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Other Books Received

Marked with an asterisk below are those instances where a book was sent out for review but a review was not remitted to the journal.

Agamben, Giorgio. Pilate and Jesus. Trans. Adam Kotsko. (Stanford: Stanford University Press. 2015. Pp. xii, 63. $15.95 paperback.)
Cadwallader, Robyn. The Anchoress: A Novel. (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. 2015. Pp. viii, 308. $26.00 clothbound.)
*Chu, Cindy Yik-Yi. The Catholic Church in China, 1978 to the Present. (New York: Palgrave. 2012. Pp. xii, 175. $85.00 clothbound.)
Cunningham, Lawrence S. The Chapels of Notre Dame. Photography by Matt Cashore. (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press. 2012. Pp. xii, 172. $45.00 clothbound.)
Dean, Joan Fitzpatrick. All Dressed Up: Modern Irish Historical Pageantry. [Modern Irish Historical Studies.] (Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press. 2014. Pp. xxii, 335. $39.95 clothbound.)
Doglio, Maria Luisa, and Carlo Delcorno (Eds.). Prediche e predicatori nel Seicento. (Bologna, Italy: Società editrice il Mulino. 2013. Pp. 221. €17,00 paperback.) The five essays in the volume are “‘Icone simboliche’ del predicare: la Predica in lode di San Corrado e Il Tempo Trionfato di Paolo Aresi” by Angelo Alberto Piatti (pp. 29–75); “‘Per gareggiar con Crisostomo e con Bernardo.’ L’Utile spavento del peccatore di Gian Francesco Maia Materdona” by Giorgio Forni (pp. 77–109); “Tra ‘divine lettere’, ‘umane erudizioni’ e ‘vaghi geroglifici’: l’enciclopedia dei ‘concetti’ predicabili nei Serafici splendori di Mario Bignoni” by Guido Laurenti (pp. 111–59); “Il trono di sole, panegirico di Francesco Amedeo Ormea per Amedeo IX di Savoia” by Luisella Giachino (pp. 161–91); and “Storiografia e predicazione. Fra Tesauro e Bartoli” by Giovanni Baffetti (pp. 193–210).
Donahue, John R., S.J. Seek Justice That You May Live: Reflections and Resources on the Bible and Social Justice. (Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press. 2014. Pp. xviii, 310. $29.95 paperback.)
Drees, Clayton J. Bishop Richard Fox of Winchester. (Jefferson, NC: McFarland. 2014. Pp. vi, 206. $45.00 paperback.)
Duffy, Eamon. Saints & Sinners: A History of the Popes. 4th ed. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 2015. Pp. xiv, 513. $23.00 paperback.) This new edition brings the history to the first year of Pope Francis. The first edition (1997) was reviewed by Simon Ditchfield, ante, 85 (1999), 256–60. [End Page 434]
Ehrman, Bart D. Forgery and Counterforgery: The Use of Literary Deceit in Early Christian Polemics. (New York: Oxford University Press. 2013. Pp. xii, 628. $39.95 clothbound.)
Frechette, Christopher G., Christopher R. Matthews, and Thomas D. Stegman, S.J. (Eds.). Biblical Essays in Honor of Daniel J. Harrington, SJ, and Richard J. Clifford, SJ.: Opportunity for No Little Instruction. (Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press. 2014. Pp. xxii, 323. $29.95 paperback.)
*Jullien, Florence. Le Monachisme en Perse: La réforme d’Abraham le Grand, père des moines de l’Orient. [Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, Vol. 622, Subsidia, Tomus 121.] (Louvain, Belgium: Éditions Peeters. 2008. Pp. xxx, 293. €66,00 paperback.)
Klein, Hans. Zwei intertestamentarische Hymnen im Lukasevangelium: Benediktus und Magnifikat. [Salzburger Exegetische Theologische Vorträge, Band 5.] (Vienna: LIT Verlag. 2014. Pp. vi, 130. €19,90 paperback.)
Kristeva, Julia. Teresa, My Love: An Imagined Life of the Saint of Avila. Trans. Lorna Scott Fox. (New York: Columbia University Press. 2014. Pp. xvi, 630. $35.00 clothbound.)
Krüger, Elmar. Der Traktat “De ecclesiastica potestate” des Aegidius Romanus: Eine spätmittelalterliche Herrschaftskonzeption des päpstlichen Universalismus. [Forschungen zur kirchlichchen Rechtsgeschichte und zum Kirchenrecht, Band 30.] (Cologne, Germany: Böhlau Verlag. 2007. Pp. xx, 488. €61,60 clothbound.)
Lamm, Julia A. (Ed. and Trans.). Schleiermacher: Christmas Dialogue, the Second Speech, and Other Selections. [Classics of Western Spirituality.] (Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press. 2014. Pp. xviii, 296. $29.95 paperback.)
Lucas, Adam. Ecclesiastical Lordship, Seigneurial Power and the Commercialization of Milling in Medieval England. (Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing. 2014. Pp. xxii, 414. $165.00 clothbound.)
McCloskey, Pat, O.F.M. Peace and Good: Through the Year with Francis of Assisi. (Cincinnati: Franciscan Media. 2014. Pp. xvi, 397. $19.99 clothbound.)
Nadal, Jerome, S.J. Annotations and Meditations on the Gospels: Cumulative Index. Prepared by Joseph P. Lea. Introd. Walter S. Melion. (Philadelphia: St. Joseph’s University Press. 2014. Pp. x, 196. $39.95...

