In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

© 1999 ISAST LEONARDO MUSIC JOURNAL, Vol. 9, pp. 135–137, 1999 135 When you access the Leonardo Music Journal CD-Extra, you will find some files and folders. Read the “readme.txt” file for information on the system and the configuration of your hardware. The Freesoft folder contains some software either for Macintosh/PPC or Windows /PC. This software is completely free for you to use. Read the included documentation and copyright notices in each subfolder. The files “Machine.dir” and “MachineW.dir” are unprotected Director files of the Machine’s interface that can be changed at will if you know how. Doubleclick either on “LMJ_go.Mac” or “LMJ_go.exe” to start up the Machine. You will see the credit page. Then a tune fades in. If you do not hear the music, check the sound settings on your computer and whether it can play mpeg3 files. tracks on the regular audio sectors of the disk. If you have a slower CD-drive, you may encounter problems accessing the audio from the disk. However, you can listen to the regular audio tracks (only 8 out of 30) on your audio CD player as well. The Machine has two states: 1. CLOSED Using your computer mouse, if you move over an active button it will simply tell you its function. The closed state presents the following possibilities: a. start Clicking this button takes you immediately to the open state and plays a random contribution. Clicking the button again returns the Machine to the closed position (see next section). b. clickable playlist Clicking this button presents a listed overview of the contents of the disk. Clicking on a name or title in the playlist takes you to the open state and plays your selection. Small Manual of the Leonardo Music Media Journal Machine To leave the credit page, just click anywhere on the screen. Doing this will boot up the Machine, which can play all the different file formats included on the CD-Extra as well as the 136 Small Manual of the Leonardo Music Media Journal Machine 2. OPEN The open state presents the following possibilities: a. pieces playing on the screen without info sheet b. pieces playing with info sheet Click on the information sheet button once to show the information sheet and once again to hide it. If the information sheet is not showing enough text, you can drag it with the mouse anywhere on the screen to a more convenient location. Clicking on the links in an information sheet opens your favorite browser and connects you to the website where more information is waiting. . . c. randomizer For your convenience, and for a more adventurous exploration of the CD-Extra’s content, we added a button that will provide its own selection when clicked. d. web section At any time, you can click the “special section” text on the Machine, which will take you to a selection of graphic links to various web sites. Small Manual of the Leonardo Music Media Journal Machine 137 These links can be accessed by clicking on the thumbnails shown above. BTW, you can quit the program any time by clicking the “out” button: So, that is all there is to tell about it! Have fun. . . Guy Van Belle Leonardo Music Journal ...

