In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • As A Woman Collects Leaves, and: Spring Moths*, and: Whirl, and: July Street, and: Stillness, and: At The Eastern Market: Asiatic Lilies, and: The Treachery of Dream*, and: Storks to Ouarzazate, and: African America
  • Myronn Hardy (bio)


You stand there     in front of me.Blood stains your clothes.You wait for something to showin my face     something of judgment

but there is nothing there     at leastnothing you can discern.I am happy to see youafter these months away.

The season pressed into leaves     golden.What do I know of tradition?For me    the burden of anything ancientis weightless     something dissolved

in saltwater     thinned in wind above ships.The knife to neck inflicts a geyser.A dark eye dims.It is over     you say.

I expected more hostility.The sheep’s need to remain.Its bliss for pasture     electric through veins.But so calm to ground     the head

pulled back as a woman collects leaves.What happened to the pain you felt?That animal’s pain     volatile in you.That gentleness to fur     your hands there.

Perhaps this is your violence.The kind you refuse to humans     too afraidto show them     not knowing how to getaway with it    vengeance aloof     scary. [End Page 321]

Women burn hair from its face.Hack its cooked skull in half.Curled horns sawed    charred.You pull the kidneys from carcass.

They are two purple jewelsstill warm    still shimmering.You skewer these.Hold over smoking

alder with the liver.You and I eat themwith bread before the heartis salted     dusted with cumin.

My heart beats.My heart pumps.My heart is muscleas is the sheep’s in my mouth.

In my mouth     this heart is supple     spiced.I am the same killer.The same killer withoutcustom as a woman collects leaves. [End Page 322]


A green sky is an omen of leaves.The grandeur of beliefs where

cathedrals are as tall as minarets.What glides through sky?

What cyclopic beings bend amongconsecrated protrusions     anemic palms frail

as kingdom     frail as those leaving on boats?Silent prayer on boats made of paper     wood

slats bruised with corroding nails.Women watch     wait     worry.

What will water wage?What will render us silent even though we speak?

Barbed wire across lips     teeth caged     eelstwisting through throats.

The dead are among us.We reach for them with scarlet hands.

The moon     again.Its glow is sonic over ocean     the city’s

sallow buildings.It is spring when we explode to moths.

The dust like gunpowder     works of fireyet nothing burns. [End Page 333]


Whirl     whirl red dust.

Whirl tall to sky less than cobalt.Whirl into funnels    layers of air.Among houses white with sun    whirl.As if Sufi    whirl.Whirl a world wrecked.

A trance    no land    no country    whirl.Whirl to towers loose.The next wonder    the coming    whirl.Whirl even if speculative.Whirl with might    maybe.

Whirl    whirl the dust red.

Whirl it all round.Wonder wildly whirl.Whirl wicked whimsy.Whirl the black sheep to a black field.Whirl a vision fired yet clear.

Whirl with me.Whirl debris green.Wind a howl    whirl.Whirl dissipation.Whirl it all atomless.

Whirl    whirl red dust. [End Page 332]


Ahmed walks with his sister on July Streetsearching for shoes     beige leather     something on July Street.

Plastic strings of    light the strange flashing    the aggressionof merchants     their titanic insistence on July Street.

This day is supposed to be celebratory     sadnessfor another time yet there must be cynics on July Street.

A djinn combs his hair while looking at Ahmedbut doesn’t understand his solace on July Street.

His lips are smoke    the rest of him fire;he wants to drop serpents on July Street.

The hijab his sister wears won’t protect from suchcold coils; she sees a woman in sequins on July Street.

Her brother hears yelling     hears their father wakingfamished even though meat sizzles on July Street.

The store they enter is filled with ferocious men;shoes shine phosphorescently     the djinn is dazzled on July Street.


