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RECENT PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO CANADA PREPARED IN THE EDITORIAL OFFICE OF UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO PRESS BY BRADLEY ADAMS Noticein thisbibliography doesnotpreclude a laterreview; TBI•following an entry indicates areviewalready in preparation. SeealsoCanadiana, amonthly listof Canadian publications prepared bytheNational Library, Ottawa; International Perspectives; Journal ofthe Parliaments ofthe Commonwealth, issued quarterly bytheGeneral Council oftheCommonwealth Parliamentary Association; and,in the University ofToronto Quarterly, 'Letters in Canada,' published in theJulyissue. Sections of thebibliography omittedfromthisissue forreasons of space will be included in later issues. DISCOVERY AND EXPLORATION CLERMONT, N.etc. CHAPDELAINE. Lesitepr•historique deBishop. Recherches ame¾indiennes auQuebec, xI, 3, 198•, 23•-9 KZHOV., ALICV. B.Revisionist Anthropology: Aboriginal NorthAmerica. Current Anthropology , XXII,5, Oct. a98a,503--a8 MATH•.WS, Z•.NA P•.AI•LSTON•.. JanusandOtherMultiple-Image IroquoianPipes. Ontario Archaeology, no.35, 3-32 MOODX•., D.WA•m•. andJOHN½.I•.I-m.Macro-Historical Geography andtheGreatCharteredCompanies : theCase of theHudson's BayCompany. Canadian Geographer/ Glographe canadien, xxv, 3, fall/automne •98a,267-7o RAMSrW. N,P•.T•.I• G.RichMan,PoorMan,DeadMan,Thief: theDispersal of Wealth in •7thCenturyHuron Society. Ontario Archaeology, no35,35-4o sires,½I-L•RL•.S M.NorthernIroquoianMaizeRemains. Ontario Archaeology, no35, •'3-34 NEW FRANCE AND ACADIA AUCLAIItE, ARMAND. LesIrumberrydeSalaberry. Les cahiers delaseigneurie deChambly, In, 2,sept.•98x, COLE, JEAN MURRAY. Keeping theMindAlive:LiteraryLeanings in theFurTrade. Journal ofCanadian Studies/Revue dYtudes canadiennes, xvI, 87-93 CONRAD, GLEN R.Potpourri franqais: Varieties of French Settlers in Louisiana. Revue de Louisiar•/Louisiane Review, x, •, •t•/summer •98•, •-9 GOt•,G•.RA•.D •-.The Changing Criteriaof Social Networks in aCajunCommunity. Ethnos, xxxxv, •-2, •98o, 6o-8• GmFFITHS, NAOm.The Acadians Who Had a Problemin France.Canadian Geograph- /c,x, 4, Aug./Sept.•98•, 4o-5 •,½ao•x,•,um•.a. Deuxtableaux deSinaiRicherhSaint-Joseph deChambly. Un artiste hmieuxconnaltre. Lescahiers delaseigneurie deCharably, m, 2,sept.•98•, •6-•9 LESSAm•,½t•UD•. etJEAN-PAUL MaSSI½OTr•.. Histoiredu con6tage enMauricie.Revue d'ethnologie duQuebec, num•ro 4, 99- 106 THE CANADIAN HISTORICAL REVIEW LIVETrE, •'At•L. ThomasPichon,traitre(1700 - x78x).Lasocidtd historique acadienne. Les cahi•'s, xiI, 3, sept.1981,88-93 MARTEL, JVLES. La transmission desbiensen Nouvelle-France. Revue d'ethnologie du Qutbec, num•ro lO, 7x-8• MASSlCOTrE, JEAN-•'AVL et CLAYDE I•ESSARD. La dansechezlesIndiensdela Nouvelle Franceauxxviie etxv•e si•cles. Revue d'ethnologie duQudbec, num•ro x,, 49-6• •'ERRSVLT, •SABELLE. On d•barqueenNouvelle-France. Recherches amdrindiennes au Quebec, xl, •, ,981, xo3-8 •'ETE•, BERNAR• C.The OriginandMeaningof theTerm 'Marais' asusedonthe LakeSuperior Shoreline of Michigan. Michigan Academician, XIII, 1,summer •98o, 7-16 R•VET, MARCEL. L'anc•tre Ostiguy. Les cahiers delaseigneurie deCharably, •i, •, sept.x981, •o- 4 RO•RI•t•E, CECILE. Les• ex-voto •. Revue d'ethnologie duQudbec, num•ro8, 35-66 SI•t•IN,ROBERT-LIONEL. Lacltturedeperches enNouvelle-France. Revue d'ethnologieduQuibec , num•ro 4, 7-38 - Lacr•celle. Revue d'ethnologie duQuibec, num•ro9, 7-' 8 - •Le crocheton •. Revue d'ethnologie duQudbec, num•ro7, 7-18 - Lefl•chequ•b•cois serait-il d'originefranqaise? Revue d'ethnologie duQudbec, num•ro 1•, 7-•o - Le• grappin•. Revue d'ethnologie duQudbec, num•ro8,7-' 6 - Lemarteauhd•botter.Revue d'ethnologie duQudbec, num•ro 11,7-•o TRIggER, BRt•CE •. Pourunehistoire plusobjective desrelations entrecolonisateurs et autochtones en Nouvelle-France. Recherches ara•rindiennes auQudbec, xI, 3, ' 98x, •99-•o4 BRITISH NORTH AMERICA BEFORE ,86 7 AJZENSTAT, JANET. Liberalism andNationality. Canadian Journal ofPolitical Science/ Revue canadienne descience politique, xxv,3, sept.,98,, 587-6•o. OnDurham BAEI-•,•NER. PauperEmigration toUpperCanada in the, 83os. Histoire sociale/ Social History, xxv,no aS,Nov. x981,339-68 BASr,•RWLX_•, •'ETER. Americans in Britain's Backyard: The Railway Erain Upper Canada,•85o-•88o. Business History Review, LV,3, fall 1981,314-36 BELLAVANCE, MARCEL etJEAN-DANIEL GRONOFF. Lesstructures del'espace montr•alais i• l'•poquedela Confederation. Cahiers deg•ographie duQuibec, xx•v,num•ro63, d•c. x98o,363-84 BER•ERON, S'VES. Artisans horlogerdesr•gimesfranqais et anglais. Revue d'ethnologie duQudbec, num•ro9, 19-44 CLARga•, jOI•Nand•AW• BROWN. Fociiof HumanActivity, Essex Co.,Ontario,8•5- 5•: ArchivalSources andResearch Strategies. Archivaria, xn, summer, 981, 31-58 CORM•ER, C•.S•MENT. GilbertA. Girouard, un brilliant d•but decarri•re (1846-1885). La soci•t• historique acadienne. Les cahiers, xI...

