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458 THE CANADIAN HISTORICAL REVIEW presentedhere indicatesthat the analysis of American historians James Weinstein andRonaldRadosh, stressing 'corporate liberalism' asthefoundation of a labour-capitalalliance,haslittle relevancefor Canadain this period. •9 Like DavidBercuson, in hisstudyof the rootsof theWinnipeg General Strike,wefindtheprewaryears anageofindustrial violence. •20 To end, appropriately,wherewe began,we mustnotethat if theBobcaygeon Independent's assessment of the causes of strikeslackedsophistication and subtlety, it nevertheless capturedoneprophetictruth: the worm,in these years•9o•-•4, had indeedturned. • •9 James Weinstein, TheCorporate Idealinthe Liberal State, •9oo-•9•8 (Boston •968);Ronald Radosh, 'TheCurporateIdeology ofAmerican LaborLeaders fromGompers toHillman,' Studies onthe Left,vI, x966,66-88. A recent attempttoapplyportions of theabove argumenttotheCanadiancase isMichaelJ.Piva,'The Workmen'sCompensation Movementin Ontario,'Ontario History, LXVII,•975, 39-56' •2o DavidBercuson, Confrontation atWinnipeg: Labour, Industrial Relations, andthe General Strike (Montreal•974), •-3 x Contributors J.R.MILLER is an associate professorof historyat the Universityof Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, andauthorof the forthcoming bookEqualRights: the Jesuits' Estates Act Controversy. A doctoralstudentat DalhousieUniversity,cgaig I-IEROS is editor of Imperialism, Nationalism, andCanada(•977). BR¾^S r•.P^i•vlE• isanassistant professor ofhistory atQueen's University, Kingston. An associate professorof historyat York Universityin Toronto, •OBZ•TCUFF is co-author withJ.L. Granatstein of theforthcomingbookAccommodation withEmpire: Canadian-American Economic Relations •945-5o. j.I•. •gas^Tsxv, is isaprofessor in theDepartment of HistoryatYorkUniversity and co-author with Robert Cuff of Canadian-American Relations in Wartime: From the Great War totheColdWar (•975)' ...

