In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

RECENT PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO CANADA 397 PICHETTE, ROBERT etJEAN-JACQUES LUSSIER. Armorial desChevaliersde Malte franqaisen terre d'Amfirique. Revue del'Universitd d'Ottawa, XLVI,2,jan.-mars•976,4o-67 }'ORTER, JOI•N R.L'artdeladorure auQudbec duXVIIIesikcle dnosjours. Qufibec,Garneau,2975. ROWA•r, DONALD C.The Decline of FreeResearch in theSocial Sciences. Canadian Journal of Political Science/R evue canadienne descience politique, ix, 4, Dec./dfic.•976, 537-47 RYAN, EDWARD. FamilyLawandHuman Equality.Atlantis, I, 2,spring/print.2976,74-83 SI•A•,IRO, LORRAINE andDANIEL PERLMAN. ValueDifferencesbetweenEnglishandFrench CanadianHigh School Students. Canadian Ethnic Studies /Etudes ethniques duCanada, viii, 2, •976, 5o-5 SIMEON, RICI•ARD. Studying Public Policy. Canadian Journal ofPolitical Science/Rev uecanadienne de sciencepolitique, IX, 4, Dec./dfic.2976,548-8o SLONIM, REt•BEN. Family Quarrel: TheUnited Church andThe Jews. TorontoandVancouver, Clarke Irwin, •976. Pp. •9o. $•o.95.•rBa Special Issue/Edition spficiale: Education andEthnicity. Canadian Ethnic Studies/Etudes ethniqueL• duCanada, VIII, 1, •976, 3-93 Special Issue:Preparingfor Independence. Canadian Forum, LVI,668, Feb. 2977,4-•o S}'RAGGE, GODFREY. The Old andthe Not SoOld. Plan Canada, xvI, 2,June/juin 2976, • •o-23 STRONG-B OAG, VERONICAJANE. TheParliament ofWomen: TheNationalCouncil ofWomen ofCanada •893-•929 .Ottawa, National Museums ofCanada,2976.Pp.ix,492-$5.75.TBR SULLIVAN, ROSEMARY. Public Affairs:A Commentary ontheSymons Report.Queen's Quarterly, LxxxIIi, 4, winter 2976,633-4 ø SWEET, LOUISE. Review Article:WhatisCanadianAnthropology? American Anthropologist, LXXVIII, 4, Dec. 2976,844-5o VICKERS, JILLandJUNE ADAM. ButCanYouType?: Canadian Universities andtheStatus ofWomen. TorontoandVancouver, ClarkeIrwin, 2976.$5.95 VI}'OND,MARY.Canadian National Consciousnessand the Formation of the United Church of Canada.CommitteeonArchives of the UnitedChurchof Canada,TheBulletin, 24, •975, 4-27 WATKINS, MEL. Dene Nation: TheColony Within.TorontoandBuffalo,UniversityofToronto Press, •977-PP.2oo.$22.5 ocloth,$4.95paper WEAVER, JOHN C.Introduction: Approaches totheHistoryofUrbanReform.Urban Hi.•tory Review/Revue d'histoire urbaine, •-76, Oct./oct.2976,3-22 WESTI•UES, KENNETI•. PublicvsSectarian Legitimation:theSeparateSchools of theCatholic Church.Canadian Review ofSociology andAnthropology/Revue canadienne desociologie etd'anthropologie , XIII, 2,May/mai•976, 237-52 WOODCOCK, GEORGE. The SpiritWrestlers: Doukhobors in Russia andCanada,Parti. Histo•y Today, xxvII, 3,March2977,252-8 WOODCOCK, GEORGE, WILLIAMDAVIES, et al. Portrait of a President: An Encounter with CBC'S AlbertJohnson. Canadian Forum, LVI,668, Feb.2977,24-9 ß Contrzbutors gEORgE FEAVV. RiswiththeDepartmentof Political Science attheUniversityof British Columbiaandisauthorof FromStatus toContract: ABiography ofSirHenryMaineand editorof Beatrice Webb's OurPartnership. JAMES STRUTHERS isalecturerin CanadianStudies at Trent University. mOR•Am WARr• isBritnellProfessor of PoliticalScience at theUniversityof Saskatchewan ,Saskatoon, andhaseditedJamesCardiner'sThePolitician. ...

