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RecentPublications Relating toCanada PREPARED IN THE EDITORIAL OFFICE OF UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO PRESS BY SUSAN ARMSTRONG Noticein thisbibliography does notpreclude a laterreview;T, following anentry indicates a reviewalreadyin preparation. See also Canadiana,a monthly list of Canadianpublications prep•tredby the NationalLibrary,Ottawa;ExternalAffairs,published monthlyby the Departmentof ExternalAffairs;Journalof the Parliaments of the Commonwealth, issued quarterly by the GeneralCouncilof the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association; and,in the University of TorontoQuarterly,'Lettersin Canada,'published in theJulyissue. Sections of the bibliographyomitted from this issuefor reasons of spacewill be included in later issues. I CANADA'S COMMONWEALTH AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS CANADIAN INSTITUTE OFINTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS. LesterPearson's Diplomacy. International]ournal,xxIx, i, winteri973-4, i-I53. A tributeissue of eleven articles. ISMAEL, TAREQ¾.Canadaandthe Middle East.BehindtheHeadlines,xxxn, 5, Dec. I973, i-3•. Available from CanadianInstitute of InternationalAffairs, 60 cents KENDmCK, A. CLEMENTS. Manifest Destinyand CanadianReciprocityin •91i. PacificHistoricalReview,xLn,4, Nov. I973, •o-3 I rAGE, DONALD M. Canadaasthe Exponentoœ North AmericanIdealism.American Reviewof CanadianStudies, in, •, autumnx973,3o-46 rLUMrTRE,T. Diplomacy: Obsoleteor Essential? Queen'sQuarterly,LXXX,4, winter I973, 5o3-•o STAIRS, DENIS.The Diplomacyo[ Constraint:Canada,the Korean War, and the UnitedStates. Toronto,University of TorontoPress, I974. Pp.xv, 373.$I5.OO. TSR WEIS, JOAN. Canadau.S.S.R. Relations. Communist Viewpoint,v 6, Nov.-Dec. I973, 43-7 RECENT PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO CANADA 251 II HISTORY OF CANADA General BENGOUGe, J.W.A CaricatureHistoryo! CanadianPolitics.Toronto,PeterMartin Associates Ltd., t974. PP.x, 269,illus.$IO.OO. TB COOke, TERRY. The Conservative Tradition: An HistoricalPerspective. Journalo! CanadianStudies./Revue desEtudescanadiennes, vm,4, Nov. I973, 3I-8 CORR¾, J.A. and J.E. •Ot)GETTS. Modern Institutionsand Individual Values. Queen'sQuarterly,•.xxx, 4, winter I973, 559-66 CUNNINGHAM, ROBERT B.and GILBERT R.WINHAM.ComparativeVoting Behavior: Canadaand the United States.AmericanReview o! CanadianStudies,I•I, % autumn I973, 76-Ioo t)OERN, BUCE andv. SEYMOUR WILSON. Issues in CanadianPublicPolicy.Toronto, Macmillan,I974. Pp. 256.$I2.5o doth, $5.95paper GERTX•ER, L.O.RegionalPlanningin Canada.Montreal, HarvestHouseLimited, I972. Pp. I86. $8.50 HUC. O-BRUNT, MICt-tAE•.. The History of City Planning:A Survey.Montreal, Harvest HouseLimited,I972. Pp.xvi, 340,maps. $I2.5o •CE¾, ARCHIE F. Beyond Four Walls:The OriginsandDevelopment of Canadian Museums. Toronto,McClellandandStewart,I973. Pp.384. $i2.5o.TB MIGUELEZ, ROBRTO. Su.ietet Histoire. Ottawa, Editionsde l'Universit• d'Ottawa, I973. Pp. •,22.TB •'ETV. RSOi';, •.ESTV. RR.The CapeScottStory.Vancouver, Mitchell Press Limited, i974. Pp. i34, illus.$3.95.TB PUBLIC ARCHIVES OFCANAt)A. Report •97•-•972. Ottawa, Information Canada, I973. Pp. 96 (English), Io7 (French), illus.,tables Discoveryand Exploration BE•AUT, •.B Burntwood CarryingPlace.The Beaver,winter i973, 54-9 GODMAN, JOSEPHINE. PioneerDaysofPortRenfrew.Ed. by T.W. Paterson. Victoria,SolitairePublishers, I973. Pp.64. $•'.75 YOUNG, t•E•.BRT.Unsuspected Killer Aboard'The Unicom'?The Beaver,winter I973, 9-I5. An accountof the Danishexpeditionof I619-•,o that had beensentout to searchfor the Northwestpassage. New France and Acadia ECCLES, W.J. New Franceand the Impact on North America.AmericanReview o! CanadianStudies,In, 3, springx973,56-65 •cm, v, JAN.How New Francemight havebeenNew Holland. Canada,I, I, autumn I973, IO-2o The Frenchin New England,Acadiaand Quebec.Orono,New England-Atlantic Provinces - QuebecCenterat the Universityof Maine, I973. Pp. I42, tables SIRROIS, GEORGES. LesAcadiens du nord-ouest du N.-B. h l'heurede la conf•d6ration, I86I-I87O. La Socidtd Historiqueacadienne, v, I, oct.nov.d•c. I973, 9-2I ZOLTVAN'Z, YVES. PhillippedeRigaudde Vaudeuil,Governor of New France. Toronto, McClelland andStewart,i974.$4-95paper. TB BritishNorth America before•867 aARE,JOa•. L'Assembl•e 16gislative du Bas-Canada, I792-I814: d•putationet 252 THE CANADIAN HISTORICAL REVIEW polarisation politique.Revued'Histoirede l'Amdrique [ranqaise, xxwi, 3, d6c.x973, 36x-96 LYON,P. andANDREW AXLINE andMAUREEN MOLOT, eds.ContinentalCommunity: Independence andIntegrationin North America.Toronto,McClellandand Stewart,i974. $4.95paper Canadasince•867 BU12KLEY, SUZANN 12. Sir GeorgeFoster's Imperial Junket:The Failureto Promote ImperialEconomic Organization, x9x2-x9x7.American Reviewo[ Canadian Studies, m, 2, autumn x973, 4-29 FORSEY, •UC•NE. Freedomand Order: Essays on the CanadianConstituti.on. Introduction by D.G. Creighton. Toronto,McClellandandStewart,x974. $5.5 ø paper.TBR J^CKSON, ROBtRT J. andMICUAV. LATKXNSON. The Canadian Legislative System. Toronto,Macmillan,1974.$xo.oocloth...

