In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Table of ContentsVolume 88


The Fielding H. Garrison Lecture: The Aesthetic Grounding of Modern Medicine / 1
John Harley Warner

Metaphors and Images of Cancer in Early Modern Europe / 48
Michael Stolberg

Cargo, “Infection,” and the Logic of Quarantine in the Nineteenth Century / 75
David S. Barnes

Exercises in Therapy—Neurological Gymnastics between Kurort and Hospital Medicine, 1880–1945 / 102
Katja Guenther

Ex Utero: Live Human Fetal Research and the Films of Davenport Hooker / 132
Emily K. Wilson

“Patient Zero”: The Absence of a Patient’s View of the Early North American AIDS Epidemic / 161
Richard A. McKay

Yaws, Syphilis, Sexuality, and the Circulation of Medical Knowledge in the British Caribbean and the Atlantic World / 225
Katherine Paugh

The Foundations of Autism: The Law Concerning Psychotic, Schizophrenic, and Autistic Children in 1950s and 1960s Britain / 253
Bonnie Evans [End Page 781]

From Skid Row to Main Street: The Bowery Series and the Transformation of Prostate Cancer, 1951–1966 / 287
Robert Aronowitz

Between East and West: Polio Vaccination across the Iron Curtain in Cold War Hungary / 319
Dora Vargha

Gambling on the Protestants: The Pathfinder Fund and Birth Control in Peru, 1958–1965 / 344
Raúl Necochea López

The Fielding H. Garrison Lecture: Enemy of the People/Enemy of the State: Two Great(ly Infamous) Doctors, Passions, and the Judgment of History / 403
Susan M. Reverby

Vaccination and the Politics of Medical Knowledge in Nineteenth-Century Japan / 431
Daniel Trambaiolo

Writing Women into Medical History in the 1930s: Kate Campbell Hurd-Mead and “Medical Women” of the Past and Present / 457
Toby A. Appel

Considering Death: The Third British Heart Transplant, 1969 / 493
Helen MacDonald

Casebooks in Early Modern England: Medicine, Astrology, and Written Records / 595
Lauren Kassell

Setting Scientific Standards: Publishing in Medical Societies in Nineteenth-Century Belgium / 626
Joris Vandendriessche [End Page 782]

Targeting the American Market for Medicines, ca. 1950s–1970s: ICI and Rhône-Poulenc Compared / 654
Viviane Quirke

Autopsy Issues in German Federal Republic Transplantation Legislation until 1997 / 697
Christoph Schweikardt

editors’ note / vii (Winter)

instructions for authors / v (Spring)

news and events / 373, 565, 727

digital media and humanities / 730

book reviews / 195, 375, 570, 741

books received / 221, 399, 590, 767

subject and author index – volume 88 / 771 [End Page 783]


