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REVIEWS 213 clition. Specifically, he sharpens "the sense of a cosmic moral judgment "; "he has developed heroic morality beyond the Greek, while in doing so he has extended the symbolic quality latent in the Greek." "Seen in these terms many objections to the translation assume their proper position of irrelevancy; Pope's Iliad is so demonstrably not Homer in one sense that we are free to consider another and perhaps even more important sense in which it 'is' Homer." It is perhaps too much to hope that this conclusion of Mr. Knight's, with its amiable concession and provocative claim, will convert all our Greek-less Bentleys, but his work should at least lead to the suppression of some of the irrelevancies, and also clarify the causes which led generations of readers with poetic taste and some knowledge of Greek to enjoy Pope's version. It is so able a piece of criticism that it ought to send modem readers in haste to read and appreciate Pope; certainly every student of eighteenth-century English poetry should be required to read this book. BOOKS RECEIVED ALLEN, E. L. Existentialism from Within. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Limited [Toronto: British Book Service (Canada) Ltd.], 1953. Pp. X, 185. $4.00. ATKINS, J. W. H . English Literary Criticism: The M edieval Phase. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd. [Toronto: British Book Service (Canada) Ltd.J. 1952. Pp. x, 211. $3.50. Botteghe Oscure, Quaderno XI. Rama: Via delle Botteghc Oscure 32 [Toronto: B6tish Book Service. (Canada) Ltd.]. 1952. Pp. 544. $2.50. BOULTON, MARJORIE. The Anatomy of Poetry. With a Foreword by L. A. G. STRONG. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. [Toronto: British Book Service (Canada) Ltd.]. 1953. Pp. xiv, 189. $2.50. BROAD, C. D. Religion, Philosophy and Psychical Research. London: Routledae & Kcgan Paul Limited [Toronto: British Book Service (Canada) Ltd.J. 1953. Pp. vi;i, 308. $5.00. BROWN , E. K. Willa Cather, a Critical Biography. Completed by LEON EDEL. New York: Alfred A. Knopf [Toronto: McClelland & Stewart Limited]' 1953. Pp. xxvi, 352, viii. $4.00. BRUCKBERGER, RAYMOND-LEOPOLD, a.p. Mary Magdalene. Translated by H. L. BINSSE. New York: Pantheon. 1953. Pp. 192. $3.00. - --Mary Magdalen e: Annotations. New York: Pantheon. 1953. Pp. 264. COLE, TAYLOR, ed. European Political Systems. New York: Alfred A. Knopf [Toronto: McClelland & Stewart Limited}. 1953. Pp. xii, 700, xxii. $6.00. CONANT, JAMES BRYANT. Education and Liberty: The Role of the School! in a Modern Democracy. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press [Toronto: S. J. Reginald Saunders and Company Limited] . 1953. Pp. xvi, 168. $4.00. CRADOCK, PERCY. Recollections of the Cambridge Union 1815-1939. With cont ~ibutjons by H. WILSON H.O\RRIS; Sir ARNOLD McNAIR; Sir NORMAN BIRK ETTj Slr GEOPPREY SHAK ESPEARE; R. A. BUTLER ; A. M. RAMSEY ; LIONEL GAMLlN; GEOFFREY DE FREITAS; FRANK SINGLETON; Lord DUNBOYNE. Cambridge: Bowes & Bowes [Toronto: British Book Service (Canada) Ltd.J. 1953. Pp. x, 192. $3.00. DICKINS, BRUCE, and WILSON, R. M., ed. Early Middle English Texts. Cambridge : Bowes & Bowes. [Toronto: British Book Service (Canada) Ltd.}. 195!. Pp. xv;, 336. $3.50. 214 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO QUARTERLY EDEL, LEON . Henry James: The Untried Years, J843- 1870. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company [Toronto: Longmans, Green & Co.], 1953. Pp. 350. $6.00. ELLIOTT, G. R. Flaming Minister: A Study of Othello as Tragedy of Love and Hate. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press. 1953. Pp. xxxvi, 245. $4.50. FINKELSTEIN, LOUIS, ed. Thirteen Americans: Their Spiritual Autobiographies. Religion and Civilization Series. New York and London: Harper & Brothers, for the Institute for Religious and Social Studies [Toronto: The Musson Book Company Ltd.). 1953. Pp. xiv, 296. $3.75. FLUCHERE, HENRI. Shakespeare. Translated by GUY HAMILTON; with a foreword by T. S. ELIOT. London and Toronto: Longsman, Green and Co. 1953. Pp. xiv, 272. $5.00. GINSBERG, MORRIS. The Idea of Progress: A Revaluation. London: Methuen 8t Co. Ltd. [Toronto: British Book Service (Canada) Ltd.]. 1953. Pp. vi, 82. $1.25. GUNN, ALAN M. F. The Mirror of Love: A Reinterpretation of '~The Romance of the Rose." Lubbock; Texas Tech Press. 1952. Pp. xvi, 592. $5.25. HART, B. H. LIDDELL, ed. The Rommel Papers. With the assistance of LUCI:I!MA -RIA ROMMEL, MANFRED ROMMEL, and General FRITZ...

