In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

INDEX TO BOOKS REVIEWED IN 'LETTERS IN CANADA' L'Action polifiquf des ollvriers quebecois (fin du XIXe a 1919 51) Allan, Ted My Sister's Keeper 391 Amyot, Genevieve L'Absent aigu 364 Anderson, Patrick A Visitillg Distance 374 Archambault, Gilles Les Pins parasols 36) Armitage, Andrew D. See Canadial' Essay and Periodica liltdex: 1974 Asfour, John Nisan 369 Atwood, Margaret Lady Oracle 34); Selected Poems 366 Auger, Roger Ie /11' en vais it Regina 398 Baglow, John Emergency Measures )69 TIre Balkan Range, edited by John Robert Colombo and Nikola Roussanoff 495 8 aum, Gregory Religiotl find AliwatioJl: A Theological Reading of Sociology 519; editor Journeys: The Impact of Personal Experience on Religious Tl10ught 518 Beardsley, Doug Tlte Only Country illlhe World Called Canada 369 Beaulieu, Fran~ois Septieme ciel and Fais pus semblant de rever, Bobby 398 Beaulieu, Victor·Levy Ma Corriveau and La Sorcellerie en finale sexllee 398; Les Voy· ageries: 1 Blanclleforcee 361; ll N'evoque pIllS que Ie desenc/tantemeJlt de fa fencbre mall s; pal/vre Abel 361 Belanger, Marcel Sa/salts sauvages 381 Bennett, A. The Bitter Thirties ill Quebec (translation of Evelyne Dumas, Dans Ie somllleil de nos as) 511 Berger, Carl The Writing of Canadian His· tory: Aspects of Englislt ~ Cal1adiall Hislor;· cal Writing: 1900 to 1970 469 Bernard, Andre Quebec: elections 76 S08; La po/itique all Canada et all Quebec 509 Bersianik, Louky L' Eugue/ionne 364 Bessette, Gerard. See Lebel, Marc, and Sutherland, Ronald Bibliography of Canadian Books in Translafioll : French to English and Englisll to Fre/lcl! I Bibliographie de livl'es canadielTs tradllils de I'anglais all frallfais et du frallfais ii l'allglais, edited by Maureen Newman and Philip Stratford 401 Biesenthal, Linda. See Canadian Book Re· view Anllual1975 Blais, Marie·Claire. See Lobdell, David Bociurkiw, Bohdan R., and Strong, John W. , editors Religioll and Atheism iI, tile U.S.S.R. and Eastem Europe 516 Bouraoui, H.·A. Strllcfu,.e illfentionnelle dll Grand Meaullles: ve,.s Ie poeme rOlllmlCe 452 Bowering, George TIle Catc" 367 Boyarsky, Abraham, and Sarna, Lazar, editors Canadiall Yiddish Writings 506 Brossard, Jacques L'accession ala sOllverainete et Ie cas dl/ Qllebec sr:r;; Le Stlllg dll souve/lir 362 Brown, Alan Orpha/l Street (translation of Andre Langevin, Ull e chaille dans Ie parc) 409 Brown, Harcourt Science alld tile Humall Comedy. Natural Philosophy in Frellc/l Ut~ eratllre fro m Rabelais to Mallperfllis 443 Brunet, Roland Une ecole salis dip16me 513 Burrs, Mick Movillg in from Paradise 370 Canadiall Book Review All111la11975, edited by Dean Tudor, Nancy Tudor, and Linda Biesenthal 458 Calladiall Essay and Pe,.iodicallnde::r: 1974. compiled and edited by Andrew D. Armitage and Nancy Tudor 460 Canadian Fiction, all annotated bibliography, edited by Margery Fee and Ruth Caw· ker 400, 458 Cartier, Georges C/umteallx 378 Cawker, Ruth. See Canadian Fiction, an an- 'IOtated bibliograpl1Y Cekalska, Krystyna. See Wankowicz, Melchior 524 LETTERS IN CANADA 1976 Chamberland, Paul Le Prince de SeXfWlOlI1' )81 Chamberlin , John S. Incrense mId Multiply : Arts-o/-Discourse Procedure ill lite Preaching of DOIlI1t' 421 Chatillon, Colette L'Histoire de /'ngriCII/tlfre all Quebec 512 Clifford, Wayne Glass/ Passages 370 Cogswell, Fred, editor and translator Tile Poetry of Model'll Quebec 41) Collie, Michael George Gissing: a Bibliogmplry 430 Colombo, John Robert Colombo's Calladiall References 458. See also The Balkan Range Condemine, Odette. See Cremazie, Octave Conolly, L. W. Tile Cell50rs/rip of English Drama 1737-1824 421 Cook, Michael Ja cob's Wake )88 Cooke, Bernard Ministry to Word (llld Sacmmellls : History aJld TlreaJogy 521 Cremazie, Octave Oeuvres, tl: Prose, edited by Odette Condemine 482 Crysdale, Stewart, and Wheatcroft, les, editors Religion ill Canadian Society 516 Currie, Irene Marie Calumet (translation of Rodolphe Girard, Marie Calumet) 405 Daigle, Jean Coup de smlg 381, 395 DicHollllaire pratique des lIuteurs qllcbicois edited by Reginald Hamel, John Hare, an d Paul Wyczynski 479 Dian, Leon Quebec: Tile Unfinis/led Revolll~ lioll (translation of La Proclraine RevoJI/~ tioll) 511 1946-1976, Trente flitS de pouvoir nair ell Haiti, tome premier: {'explosion de 1946: Bihm et perspectives 515 Domanski, Don The Cape Breton Book ofthe Dead 370 Domville, EricW., editor Editing British alld America...

