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248 BARKER FAIRLEY 2 Jean Forrester, 'Wakefield Mystery Plays and the Burgess Court Records: A New Discovery ,' a pamphlet produced for the Yorkshire Archaeological Society. See the forthcoming issue of Letds Studies in English (New Series) VII (1973). ) Margaret Dorrell, 'Two Studies in the York Corpus Christi Play,' Leeds Studies in English (New Series) VI (1972) 63-111 4 Dorrell, The Corpus Christi Play at York,' unpublished doctoral dissertation, Leeds School of English, 1973, vol. I , pp 268-7). See also paper prepared for Medieval Drama Seminar, Modem Language Association, December 1973. 5 Alexandra F. Johnston, 'The Plays of the Religious Guilds of York- the Creed Play and the Pater Noster Play,' Speculum 50 (1975) 55-go. See also paper prepared for Medieval Drama Seminar, Modem Language Association, December 1973. 6 Johnston and Dorrell, 'The Doomsday Pageant of the York Mercers, 1433,' Leeds Studies in English (New Series) v, 29-34 and 'The York Mercers and their Pageant of Doomsday1433 - 1526,' Lu ds Studies in English (New Series) VI, pp 1~35 . 7 Aly Memorandum Book, f. 254V. See Smith xxxiv. S Aly, f. 164. See Maud Sellers, ed., The York Memorandum Book 11, Surtees Society 125, 1914, P 32. 9 Chamberlains' AccountRollcl:1 10 Aly ff. 42V.-43. See Sellers, ed. The York Memorandum Book I, Surtees Society, 120, 1911, PP 106-? 11 Aiy f. 252V. See Smith xix. 12 Aly f. 19v. See Sellers 152.. I) Anna J. Mill, 'The Stations of the York Corpus Christi Play,' Yorkshire Archeological Journal XXXVII (1948-51) 497-502 14 Chamberlains' Account Rolls c3 :2, c3:4, Q :4, and c5:2 15 q :2 16 C3:4 17 Miscellaneous Deeds I.h72 18 F. Collins, ed., Registerof tlfe Freemen ofYork ,2. vols. Surtees Society ¢ (1897) 111 (1900)· 19 Aly f. 19v. See Sellers I 51. 'iuxta Aulam Communem' is written in a later hand over an erasure. 20 Chamberlains' Account Book CC3(1) p 157 21 CC5(2.) f. 139 22 These records remain largely unpublished in their detail. They are scattered through the City Council minutes and in the surviving Chamberlains' Account Books. See J.T. Murray, English Dramatic Companies, 1558-1642 (Boston 1910) and Sybil Rosenfeld, 'Dramatic Companies in the Provinces in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries,' Theatre Notebook VIII (1954) 56-8· 23 See among other instances Smith 5), 98,181, 210, 293, 335, 374, 468. 24 See among other instances Smith 64, 93, 120, 146, In, 212, 232, 233, 2.40, 249, 257, 265, 312, 318, 472 . 25 Dorrell, 'Two Studies' 83 for this practice in 1483 and 1484. For the practice in 1546 see Yorkminster Archives E1:74. GERMAN LITERATURE" This is a book in which I rejoice, my only grievance being hardly a grievance, only a disagreement. On the back cover we are told that the book is 'designed for readers with a general rather than a specialized interest in German literature and -c.P. Magill, German Uterature. London: Oxford University Press 1974. Pp 190, S5P for those who are beginning to study the subject.' I disagree. I maintain that the book can be profitably read by anyone who cares about literature, whether he is a specialist in German literature or is ignorant of it, whether he is young or old, or, for that matter, whether he is English or German. It differs in character from all previous books on the subject. While Magill professes, in accordance with the terms of this series (opus), to 'replace' and 'continue' J.G. Robertson's survey in the Home University Library (1913), the two have little in common. Magill goes on to tell us that his method has been 'selective' and that 'the contents reflect the writer's taste.' I can't imagine RobertM son saying anything of this sort. I think rather of Lytton Strachey's Landmarks in French Literature, which in like manner to Magill runs through the centuries, emphasising and dwelling on what pleases the writer, concerned rather to entertain and stimulate the reader than to instruct him. I shouldn't be surprised if Magill had Strachey in mind as he wrote and was drawn by him, not that he particularly needed drawing, into keeping...

