In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

INDEX TO BOOKS REVIEWED IN 'LETTERS IN CANADA' A Commitment to Higher Education in Canada. The Repart of a Commission of Enquiry on Forty Catholic ChurchRelated Colleges and Universities 399 Acorn, Milton I've Tasted My Blood 335 Adamson, Jeremy The Hart House Collection of Canndian Paintings 383 Adelman, Howard The Beds of Academe: A Study of the Relations of Student Residences and the University 397-8 Akrigg. G,P.V. Shakespeare and the Earl orSouthmnpton 365 Angers, Fran~ois-Albert Pour orienter nos libertes 416 Aquin. Hubert L'Antipnonaire 438; Table tournante 443 Archambault, Gilles Tendre matin 440 Archives des lettres canadiennes 425 Atwood, Margaret The Edible Woman 341 Audet, Jean-Paul The Gospel Project 394; Styles de vie et service presbyter'll. Marlage et ctHibat ecclesiastique 414 Bacque, Jaques The Lonely Ones 341-2 Baillargeon, Pierre Le Choix 411-12 Barbe, Raoul·P. Droit administratif canadien et quebecois 420 Baum, Gregory Faith and Doctrine. A Contemporary View 386-7 Beaulieu, Andre, Jean Hamelin et Benoit Bernier Guide d'histoire du Canada 421 Beaulieu, Germain La Messe ovale 432 Beaulieu, Michel Je t01lTlte en rond mais c'est autour de toi 435 Beaulieu, Victor-Levy Race de mendel 438-9 Belanger, Rene J01lrnal de Placide Vigneau 409 Bernard, Anne Chemin de Ia cdte 439-40 Bernier, Jovette Non Monsieur 435 Bida, C. Poexiya suchasnoho Kvebeku 450-1 Bird, Will An Earl Must Have a Wife 342 Birney, Earle The Poems of Earle Birney 330 Blais, Marie-Claire Vivrel Vivrel 437; Voyageurs sacres 437 Bushen, Bernard R. Doctors and Doctrines : The Ideology of Medical Care in Canada 398-9 Bonenfant, Jean-Charles La Naissance de la Confederation 408 Bonenfant, Joseph L'Imagination du mouvement dans l'reuvre de Peguy 410 Boorman, Sylvia John Toronto: A Biography of Bishop Strachan 401 Booth, Michael R., ed. English Plays of the Nineteenth Century: 1 Drama 18001850 ; 11 Drama 1850-1900 368-9 Bosa. Real Les Ouvrages de reference du l2uebec 421 . Bouchard, Isabelle L'Experience apostolique de Paul Claudel d'apres sa correspondanee 413 Bourneuf, Roland Saint-Denys Garneau et ses IC'ch~res europeenes 412 Bowering, George Rocky Mountain Foot 327 Brault, Jacques La Morte-saison 443 Bresky, Dushan The Art of Anatole France 351-2 Brewster, Elizabeth Passage of Summer 334 Brown, Jim & David Phillips, eds. West Coast Seen 325 Brunet, Jacques Albert Laberge, sa vie et son amvre 409 Brunet, Jacques Albert Laberge, sa 'Vie et conquete, 1759-1775: de la Revolution ca'Uldienne a la Revolution amencaine 403 Cahiers des Dix 408 Campbell, Harry C. Canadian Libraries 372---3 Canadian Slavonic Papers 451-3 Carrier, Roch Floralie, aU esHU? 439 Carriere, Ie R.P. Gaston Histoire documentaire de la Congregation des miss10naiTes oblats de Marie·ImmacuIee dans I'est du Canada, VUI 408 Carroll. John, ed. Samuel Richardson: A Collection of Critical Essays 369-70 Carter, A.E. Verlaine: A Study in Parallels 353-9 Ch~tillon, Pierre Solei! de bivouac 429 Chiasson, Anselme Les Legendes des iles de la Madeleine 416 Choquette, Gilbert La Defaillance 439 Clark, Gregory May YOUT First Love Be Your Last 384-5 456 INDEX Cloutier, Cecile « Cannelles et craies » 430 Cloutier, Eugene Hotel HiltOll, Pekin 443 Cogswell, Fred 1m-mortal Plowman 330 Cohen, Matt Korsoniloff 340 Coleman, Victor Light Verse 326 Colombo, John Robert John Toronto 330j La Grande Mumille de Chine (trad. de Jacques Godbout) 431 Comeau, Robert, red. Economie quehicoise 404 Committee of Presidents of Universities of Ontario Campus and Forum: Third Annual Review 1968-69 399 Cornish. John A World Turned Turtle 343 Corry. J.A. Universities and Governments 397 Cotnam, J. Poetes du Quebec 422 Crean, John F., M.M. F«guson, and H.J. Somers Higher Education in the Atlantic Provinces for the 1970's: A Study Prepared under the Auspices of the Association of Atlantic U niversities for the Maritime Union Study 399 Crittenden, Brian, ed. Means and Ends of Education 402 Dahlie, Hallv3rd Brian Moore 376 Daly, James Education or Molasses? A Critical Look at the Hall-Dennis Report 402 Dary, Marie Le Deuxieme sexe conteste ( trad. de Suzanne Vales) 422 Dantin, Louis Les Enfances de Fanny 440 Davies, Alan T. Anti-Semitism and the Christian Mind...

