In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

LETTERS IN CANADA: 1968 EDITED BY DAVID M. HAYNE Regular readers of "Letters in Canada" will note that this year's issue is, perhaps for the first time, smaller than its predecessor. The increasing number of Canadian books published each year and the consequently increasing bulk of the "Letters in Canada" number of the Quarterly have been a cause of concern to the editors for some time, and this issue is the result of the steps they have reluctantly taken. Three review sections , "History," "Military History," and "Social Studies" will no longer appear in "Letters in Canada." Our readers may derive some consolation from the fact that almost all the books formerly included in these categories are reviewed in The Canadian Historical Review, The Canadian Journal of Economics, The Canadian Journal of Political Science, and elsewhere; they cannot fail, however, to regret, as do the editors, the loss of the services of tbree distinguished reviewers, Professor Richard A. Preston (Military History), Professor Alexander Brady (Social Studies: National and International), and Professor Michael S. Cross (Social Studies: Local and Regional). Three other review sections hear new signatures this year. In "Fiction ," Professor G. H. Roper succeeds Professor J. M. Stedmond, whose administrative responsibilities have obliged him to lay down this charge sooner than he expected or the editors wished. In "Religion," Professor D. V. Wade replaces Professor R. F. G. Sweet, whose catholicity of interests had enabled him to discharge this responsibility over the past few years with unusual effectiveness. Finally, the section "Poesie," presided over with such impeccable taste by M. Guy Sylvestre for the past eleven years, is continued by M. Jean-Louis Major. A number of items that should have appeared in these pages will have, for one reason or another, to be held over for a future issue. These include reviews of Emil Fackenheim's Religious Dimensions in Hegel's Thought, Robert Henryson's Testament of Cresseid, P. L. Heyworth's Jack Upland Friar Daw's Reply and Upland's Rejoinder, Martin Joos' The English Verb and A. G. Rigg's A Glastonbury Miscellany of the Fifteenth Century. This issue of "Letters in Canada" includes an author-title index prepared in the Editorial Departro~nt of the University of Toronto Press. Volume xxxvm, Number 4, ,uly 1969 ...

