In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

LETTERS IN CANADA: 1966 EDITED BY DAVID M. HAYNB Four familiar names are missing from this year's issue of "Letters in Canada": Professor F. W. Watt has withdrawn after seven years of distinguished service as the reviewer of fiction; Professor G. M. Craig has relinquished the section on "Local and Regional History," for which his own wide-ranging interests fitted him so admirably; Principal Robin S. Harris has reluctantly given up the section on "Education" because of the growing pressures of his own intimate involvement in that field; and finally, Dr. Watson Kirkconnell has entered upon that retirement from the Quarterly to which his uninterrupted devotion over a thirtyyear period had entitled him. In their places we welcome to these pages Professor John M. Stedmond (Fiction), Professor Michael S. Cross (Local and Regional History) , Professor E. F. Sheffield (Education) and Professor C. M. Andrusyshen (Publications in Other Languages), and wish them the same satisfaction in their work for the Quarterly that the editors have in seeing them undertake it. A few books that might otherwise have been noted in this survey have been reviewed in previous numbers of the Quarterly: G. M. A. Grube, The Greek and Roman Critics; R. Klibansky, et a!., Saturn and Melancholy ; J. M. Robson, ed., Principles of Political Economy with Some of Their Applications to Social Philosophy, by John Stuart Mill. Other books published in 1966 are scheduled for later review. These include Andrzej Busa, Conrad's Polish Literary Background; D. P. Dryer, Kant's Solution for Verification in Metaphysics; Victor E. Graham, The Imagery of Proust; Walter Goffart, The Le Mans Forgeries; Garth Griffiths, Boating in Canada; Karl F. Helleiner, The Imperial Loans; George Metcalfe, Royal Government and Political Confiict in Jamaica; David Plowden, Farewell to Steam; John Van Seters, The Hyksos: A New Investigation; John M. Stedmond, The Comic Art of Laurence Sterne. Unfortunately, Professor Jean Ethier-Blais' survey of French-Canadian books in the category "Roman et Theitre" was not received in time for inclusion. This issue of "Letters in Canada" includes, for the first time, an author and title index prepared by Donald G. Smith. Volume XXXVI, Number 4, July, 1967 ...

