In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • The Counterfeiters and the Epic Pretence
  • Naomi Lebowitz (bio)
Naomi Lebowitz

Instructor, English Literature, Washington University; editor of Discussions of Henry James (1962)


1. Attiré Gide (New York, 1962), 206.

2. Oeuvres complètes, X (Paris, 1932), 548–9.

3. “Journal of The Counterfeiters” in The Counterfeiters, trans. Dorothy Bussy and Justin O’Brien (New York, 1951), 402–3. Henceforth, references to The Counterfeiters will be to this edition and included in the text as “C.” Those to the Journal will be noted “JC.”

4. This term is, of course, borrowed from the influential categories of Northrop Frye’s Anatomy of Criticism (Princeton, 1957).

5. “Remarks on Gide’s Ethics,” Yale French Studies, no. 7, 3–11.

6. See Jacques Rivière, “Le Roman d’Aventure,” La Nouvelle Revue française, Ier mai, 1913, 914–32; Ier juin, 1913, 748–65; Ier juillet, 1913, 56–77.

7. Ibid., Ier juillet, 1913, 59. The translation is my own.

8. André Gide, 229.

9. Ibid., 231.

10. Histoire du roman français depuis 1918, I (Paris, 1950), 254.

11. The Journals of André Gide, trans. Justin O’Brien, IV (New York, 1947), 30. Henceforth, allusions to the Journals will be to this edition and will be noted “J” in the text.

12. Pretexts, selected and edited by Justin O’Brien (New York, 1959), 190.

13. Ibid., 195.

14. Ibid., 197.

15. Dostoievsky (London, 1949), 130.

16. Ibid., 44–5.

17. Pretexts, 323.

18. “Tradition and the Individual Talent,” Selected Essays (New York, 1950), 7.

19. In My Theater, trans. Jackson Mathews (New York, 1952), 266.

20. Ibid., 267–8.

21. Ibid., 270

22. Ibid., 269.

23. Dostoievsky, 133.

24. My Theater, 273.

25. See the famous chapter on the “marvellous” in Tom Jones, VIII, i.

26. Pretexts, 228–9.

27. See Joseph Andrews (New York, 1939), xxviii.

28. André Gide, 231.


