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EDITED BY DOUGLAS GRANT I Letters in Canada 1957 The editing of "Letters in Canada" does not become easier. Practice may make perfect, everything else being equal, but as the number, and variety, of books published in Canada mount yearly, practice inevitably trails the field. And the situation for tbe principal reviewers is even more serious. They bave found it increasingly difficult to meet the early deadline demanded by publication in April, especially wben the majority of books appear towards tbe end of the year, in time to catcb the Cbristmas market. Tbe only answer is to move publication from April to July, and this year's innovation will become future procedure. Tbe number of books publisbed in Frencb is rising too, and the task of considering them bas grown beyond tbe strength of one reviewereven of a reviewer as able and enthusiastic as Professor W. E. Collin. The best solution to this aspect of the general problem seemed to be to divide Frencb-Canadian letters into tbree sections, roughly along the lines already followed with respect to English-Canadian letters. MM. Guy Sylvestre, Roger Duhamel, and Iean-Charles BonenIant courteously agreed to launch the experiment. Students of French-Canadian letters owe a great debt to Mr. Collin for bis able guidance in the past, but they may find tbat tbe new arrangement will extend as well as consolidate the tradition he did so much to establisb. I have mentioned some of the difficulties whicb this survey bas to face but I must also acknowledge that the ability and kindness of the editorial staff of the University of Toronto Press make them less intimidating in actuality than in prospect. I sbould like to thank all the staff concerned but particularly Miss Ruth Cbarlesworth and Miss Constance Pattullo, Editorial Assistants of the Press: Miss Charlesworth bas had tbe responsibility of preparing the many manuscripts submitted and Miss Pattullo the heavy cbarge of assembling and distributing tbe books. 433 ...

