In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

108 BOOKS RECEIVED to use one of his own or wrong, he has been and And it is to be hoped that after analysis and criticism have completed valuable and necessary work, and the time is for another synthesis, there will be available an historian of Toynbee's insight, and grace to undertake the task. RECEIVED ATKINS, JOHN. George Orwell: Calder [Toronto: The Clark 0::>, ......HJ'HL~'U BICKERSTETH, GEOFFREY The Divine lated from the Italian into J..;J1£"'''~''£ Press. 1955. xv, 395. BRONTE, JANE. A Novel in Verse. an Introduction and Notes Fannie E. Ratchford. Austin: of Texas Press. 1955. $4.00. BUTLER-BoWDON, W. The of Version. London: Oxford Press. 1954. COON, CARLETON S. The Story of Man: From Culture and New York: Alfred A. xiii. $7.50. COTTON, JAMES HARRY. on the Human Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press pany Limited]. 1954. S. J. Reginald Saunders and ComCOWLEY , MALCOLM. The Situation; New York: The Viking Press The Macmillan Company of Canada Limited]. 1954. Pp. 260. $4.25. DEVANE, WILLIAM CLYDE. A Browning Handbook. New York: Cerlturv-C:rotlts. Inc. 1955. Pp. 594. $6.00. Ethical Judgment: The Use of Science in Ethics. Glencoe, The Free Press. 1955. Pp. 348. $5.00. FfNLEY, M. I. The World of Odysseus. New York: The Viking Press [Toronto: The Macmillan Company of Canada Limited]. 1954. Pp. 180. $3.50. FORD, GEORGE H. Dickens and His Readers: of Novel-Criticism since 1836. Published for the University of Cincinnati Press [Toronto: S. J. Reginald Saunders 318. $6.90. FOSTER, Ladder: Harriet Beecher Stowe and New Puritanism. .............LU

