In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Recently Published Works in Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Most of the entries in this bibliography were catalogued in the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) database between December 1, 2013 and March 31, 2014. This search is based largely on pre-publication information; titles may have been changed or cancelled.

Reference Works

Beer, Frank, Wolfgang Benz, and Barbara Distel, eds. Nach dem Untergang: Die ersten Zeugnisse der Shoah in Polen 1944–1947. Berichte der Zentralen Jüdischen Historischen Kommission. Berlin: Metropol, 2014. 652 pp., ill., bibl. Holocaust, Poland, personal narratives, sources.
Cywiński, Piotr, Jacek Lachendro, and Piotr Setkiewicz. Auschwitz od A do Z: Ilustrowana historia obozu. Oświęcim: Państwowe Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau, 2013. 207 pp., ill., bibl.
Ivanushchenko, Hennadii. Death during the Holodomor: Creating a Victim Database. Kingston, Ontario: Kashtan Press, 2014. Bibl., ind.
Kohl, Paul, and Nadia Boegli. 111 Orte in Berlin: Auf den Spuren der Nazi-Zeit. Cologne: Emons, 2013. Nazi Germany, guidebooks.
Lagarde, Francois. Memorialistes et temoins rwandais: 1994–2013: Bibliographie critique. Paris: Harmattan, 2013. 458 pp., bibl., ind. Genocide, Rwanda, bibliography.
Lehrer, Steven. Wartime Sites in Paris: 1939–1945. New York: CreateSpace, 2013. 335 pp., ill., bibl., ind.
Poguntke, Peter. Stuttgart und Umgebung 1933–45: Der historische Reiseführer. Berlin: Ch. Links, 2013. 109 pp., ill., maps, bibl., ind. National Socialism, Germany, Stuttgart, history, guidebooks.
Schulman, William L., ed. Directory: Association of Holocaust Organizations. Houston: Holocaust Museum Houston, 2014. 304 pp., ind.

The Holocaust and Other Nazi-Era Crimes

Adamushko, V.L. Zimnee volshebstvo: Natsistskaia karatel’naia operatsiia v Belorussko-latviiskom prigrannich’e, fevral’–mart 1943g.: Dokumenty i materialiy. Moscow: State Archives of Brest, 2013. 511 pp., bibl., ind. World War II, Belorussia, sources.
Angrick, Andrej, Martin Cüppers, Jürgen Matthäus, and Klaus-Michael Mallmann, eds. Deutsche Besatzungsherrschaft in der UdSSR 1941–1945: Dokumente der Einsatzgruppen in der Sowjetunion, Bd. 2. Darmstadt, Germany: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2013. 639 pp., bibl., ind. Holocaust, Soviet Union, sources.
Anonymous members of the Kovno Jewish ghetto police, Samuel Schalkowsky, ed., The Clandestine History of the Kovno Jewish Ghetto Police. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2014. xix + 391 pp., ill., maps, bibl., ind.
Badii, Renata, and Dimitri D’Andrea, eds. Shoah, modernità e male politico. Milan: Mimesis Edizioni, 2014. 352 pp., ill., bibl., ind. Holocaust, influence, historiography.
Bargur, Ayelet. Bet ahavah: Sipur hatsalato shel bet ha-yetomim be-Berlin. Tel Aviv: IQ, 2013. 238 pp., ill., bibl. Holocaust, Jewish orphanages, Germany, Berlin.
Bauer, Yehuda. Reflexiones sobre el Holocausto. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 2013. x + 361 pp., bibl., ind. [End Page 362]
Bauman, Zygmunt, and Yaniv Farkash. Moderniyut veha-Sho’ah. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 2013. Holocaust, modernity.
Baxter, Ian. Belsen and its Liberation. Barnsley, UK: Pen & Sword Military, 2014. 160 pp.
Baxter, Ian. Tabor smrti Osvetim: Unikatni fotografie z valecnych archivu. Brno, Czech Republic: Jota, 2013. 127 pp., ill. Concentration camps, Poland.
Beker, Avi. Mihu ha-‘am ha-nivḥar? Sipur ma’avaḳ ha-ra‘ayonot ha-gadol ba-hisṭoryiah. Tel-Aviv: Yedi’ot Aḥaronot, 2013. 511 pp., bibl., ind. Holocaust, Judaism, relations, Gentiles.
Benda-Beckmann, Bastiaan Robert von. De Velser affaire: Een omstreden oorlogsgeschiedenis. Amsterdam: Boom, 2013. 461 pp., ill., bibl., ind. War crime trials, the Netherlands.
Bensoussan, Georges, and Jean-Marie Winkler. De l’Aktion T4 à l’Aktion 14f13: “Des vies sans valeur.” Paris: Fondation pour la mémoire de la Shoah, 2013. 473 pp., ill., bibl. Euthanasia.
Beorn, Waitman Wade. Marching into Darkness: The Wehrmacht and the Holocaust in Belarus. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2014. 314 pp., ill., map.
Bernard-Nouraud, Paul. Figurer l’autre: Essai sur la figure du “musulman” dans les camps de concentration nazis. Paris: Kimé, 2013. 306 pp., ill., bibl., ind.
Blatman, Daniel. Regards sur les ghettos. Paris: Memorial de la Shoah, 2013. 157 pp., ill., maps, bibl. Jewish ghettos, history, pictorial works, exhibitions.
Braham, Randolph L., and János Kőbányai. A holokauszt tinódija: Randolph L. Braham az új Múlt és Jövő folyóirat negyedszázadban; Tisztelgés a tudós 90. Születésnapjára. Budapest: Múlt és Jövő, 2014. 364 pp. Holocaust, Hungary.
Brinkhus, Jorn. Die Novemberpogrome 1938 im Land Bremen. Bremen...

