In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

" CONTRIBUTORS TO TI-IIS ISSUE GILBERT BAGNANI, a distinguished Italian archreologist and historian, now resident in Canada, has written of Rome and the Papacy and The Roman Campagna and its Tre.tlsures. L. J. BONDY, Professor of French in St. Michael's College, is the author of Le Classicisme de Brune/;ere (1930). Roy DANIELLS is Professor of English in the University of Manitoba. N. J. ENDICOTT, a graduate of the University and of Oxfo'rd, is Associate Professor of English in University College. rE. HODOETTS is a Lecturer in Political Science in the University: JOEN A. lR.vINO, a graduate of the Universi ty and of Cambridge; and Professor and Head of the Department. of Philosophy and Psychology in the University of British Columbia, was invited, as a distinguished former student, to contri bute the memorial article on Dean B,rett. He has since been appointed to the chair of Ethics in Victoria College. EOGAR McINNIS, Associate Professor of History in the University, is the author of TIlt! , ~...;. Unguarded Frontier (1942) and the Oxford Periodical History oj the War. KENNETH MACLEAN is Associate Professor of English in Victoria College. WILLIAM ROBBINS has recently joined the 'English Department in the University of British Columbia. ' CARLETON STANLEY, one of Canada's leading humanists, and' until rece'ntly President of Dalhousie University, is a graduate of Toronto and Oxford. He IS the author of The Roots of the Tree (1936), a group of essays on classical subjects, and Matthew Arnold, the Alexander Lectures in University College for 1938. LIONEL STEVENSON, Professor of English in the University of Southern California, has published Appraisals oj Canadian Literature (1926) and Darwin among tlu Poels (1932), and, more recently, biographical studies of Lady Morgan and Charles Lever. ...

