In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Lists of Publications


1. These Lists were prepared in the Editorial Office of the University of Toronto Press, under the direction of its General Editor and the Editor of “Letters in Canada.”

All references in the Lists are to 1940, except when another date is given. Following many of the items listed, is a note of more extended reviews in other periodicals. An asterisk marks the names of the few authors included, whom we believe not to be Canadians. The following abbreviations have been used:—BCHQ—British Columbia Historical Quarterly; C—Canadian; CBC—Canadian Broadcasting Corporation; CF—Canadian Forum; CGJ—Canadian Geographical Journal; CHA—Canadian Historical Association, Report; CHJ—Canadian Home Journal; CHR—Canadian Historical Review, CJEPS—Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science; CMag.—Canadian Magazine; CPM—Canadian Poetry Magazine; Cur. Call—Curtain Call; DR—Dalhousie Review; DBS—Dominion Bureau of Statistics; FT—Full Tide; J—Journal; KP—King’s Printer; Mac.—Maclean’s Magazine; MN—MeGill News; MAR—Manitoba Arts Review; MS—Mediaeval Studies, Institute of Mediaeval Studies; N.Y.—New York; NYT—Nev York Times; OLR—Ontario Library Review; PA—Public Affairs; Q—Quarterly; QQ—Queen’s Quarterly; R—Review; RSC—Royal Society of Canada; SN— Saturday Night; SPB—Saskatchewan Poetry Book; TLS—Times Literary Supplement; U of T—University of Toronto; UTQ—University of Toronto Quarterly; WFP—Winnipeg Free Press.

2. Though we cannot undertake to list in detail volumes on music, or musical scores, we note that the following persons have written songs which have been brought to our attention: L. R. Bell, L. A. Brooks and B. L. Tamblyn, William Perkins Bull and N. Fraser Allan, A. R. Collins, E. C. and G. M. James. See also CBC, Canadian composers (19 leaves mimeo.).

3. Books by American authors on the Canadian north arc omitted.

1. These lists were prepared in the Editorial Office of the University of Toronto Press, by Miss Merle Storey. The numbering corresponds to that of the English-Canadian Lists; subsections where there is nothing to report are silently omitted.

All references in the lists are to 1940 except when another date is given. Following many of the items listed, attention is drawn to more extended reviews in other periodicals. An asterisk marks the names of authors whom we believe not to be Canadians.

The follow ing abbrevi ations have been used: AU#x02014;Action universitaire; BRH#x02014;Bulletin des Recherches historiques; C#x02014;Canadian; CFran.#x02014;Canada francais; Mém. SRC#x02014;M#x000E9;moires Soci#x000E9;t#x000E9;royale du Canada; RD#x02014;Revue dominicaint; RTC—Revue trimestrielle canadienne; RUD—Revue de l’Université d’Ottawa.

1. All undated entries are of 1940. The language is indicated in brackets before the translation of the title. The numbering of the Lists corresponds to that adopted for English-Canadian Letters. Where there is nothing to report the section or subsection is silently omitted. The following abbreviations are used: Alm.—Almanak, Winnipeg; BN—Buduchnist Natsiyi, Yorkton, Sask.; C—Canadian; Cour.—Der Courier, Regina; CP—Canada Posten, Winnipeg; CT—Canada Tidningen; Ger.—German; GK—Gazeta Katolicka, Winnipeg; CP—Gazeta Palska; HG—Hrvatski Glas, Winnipeg; Hkr.—Heimskringla, Winnipeg; Icel.—Icelandic; IN—L’Italia Nuova, Montreal; KF—Kanady sky Farmer, Winnipeg; KMU—Kanadai Magyar Ujsag, Winnipeg; Lbg.—Lögberg, Winnipeg; MR—Mennonitischs Rundschau, Winnipeg; Ndw.—Nordwesten, Winnipeg; NG—Narodna Gazeta, Winnipeg; Norw.—Norwegian; Norr.—Norrona Canadian, Winnipeg; NS—Novy Shlakh, Saskatoon; Pol.—Polish; Sgn.—Sameiningin, Winnipeg; Swed.—Swedish; TTI—Timarit Thjodrœknisfjelags Islendinga, Winnipeg; UH—Ukraiyinsky Holos, Winnipeg; Ukr.—Ukrainian; UR—Ukraiyinsky Robitnyk, Toronto; UW—Ukrayinsky Wisty, Edmonton; ZW.—Zwiaskowiec, Toronto.


