In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contributors to This Issue

Donald W. Buchanan
The C.B.C. is the author of James Wilson Morrice, a Biography of a Canadian Painter (1936).

A. L. Burt
Graduate of the University and Professor of History in the University of Minnesota, has written The Old Province of Quebec (1933).

Charles N. Cochrane
Professor of Ancient History in University College, has recently published Christianity and Classical Culture (1940).

G. W. Cunningham
Professor of Philosophy in Cornell University.

The Right Honourable Sir Patrick Duncan
The Governor-General of the Union of South Africa.

George Edison
Has been appointed recently to the Department of Ethics in Trinity College.

Lionel M. Gelber
Graduate of the University and of Oxford, is the author of The Rise of Anglo-American Friendship (1938) and War for Power and Power for Peace (Oxford Pamphlet on World Affairs, 1940).

Frederick Philip Grove
One of the most distinguished of Canadian novelists, presents another of his penetrating comments on the nature of the artist’s problem.

Edgar Mcinnis
Member of the Department of History in the University and the author of The War: First Year (1940).

E. T. Owen
Professor of Greek in University College.

J. E. Shaw
Professor of Italian in the University, is the author of a number of studies on the literature of the age of Dante, among them Essays on the Vita Nuova (1929) and The Lady Philosophy in the Convioio (1938).

Malcolm W. Wallace
Principal of University College, deserves the gratitude of the Quarterly for his constant and not uncritical friendship.

J. S. Will
Professor of French Literature in University College.

H. W. Wright
Professor of Psychology in the University of Manitoba, is the author of Self-Realization: An Outline of Ethics (1913), The Moral Standards of Democracy (1925), and The Religious Response (1929).


