In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Authors of Articles in this Issue

ananay aguilar is a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at the Faculty of Music in the University of Cambridge. Her interests lie in the production and circulation of recordings, especially in related matters of aesthetics, economics, technology, and law. She is currently working on a project on the legal circumstances surrounding performance and their effect on contemporary music-making.

nicholas baragwanath is Associate Professor in Music at the University of Nottingham and author of The Italian Traditions and Puccini: Compositional Theory and Practice in Nineteenth-Century Opera (Indiana University Press, 2011). He is currently working on an AHRC-funded project entitled Haydn, Solfeggio, and the Art of Melody: A New Approach to the Classical Style.

yoel greenberg is a lecturer in the music department of Bar-Ilan University, and violist with the Carmel Quartet. His main fields of interest include development of musical form as a self-organizing system, music after the First World War, and form in Haydn. His latest articles have been published in Journal of Musicology, Min-Ad, and Proceedings of AAAI-2014 (forthcoming).

alison rabinovici is a doctoral candidate at the University of Melbourne, where she is researching Italian street musicians in Melbourne, 1860–1930. She is the recipient of a number of competitive postgraduate research awards and her work has been published in Frode Weium and Tim Boon (eds.), Material Culture and Electronic Sound (Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, 2013) and Galpin Society Journal (2009).

paul watt is a lecturer in musicology and coordinator of research in the Sir Zelman Cowen School of Music, Monash University. He is currently writing a critical biography of Ernest Newman, and with funding from the Australian Research Council he is writing a book on the professionalization of music criticism in nineteenth-century England. He is editor of the Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle. [End Page 324]


