In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

LISTS OF PUBLICATIONS' I. SELECTED PERIODICALS (S~cond lupplmulIl /0 lis/ printed in "Ltllers in Canada, 1936") The Bu lletin, 30 Bloor St. W., Toronto [pub. by Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation; issued 5 times n year]. Canadian A1pine Journal [Alpine Club of Canada, Banff, Alta.; annual; 1907 +: ed. A. A. McCoubrey: narrative and descriptive sketches]. Full Tide, Vancouver (Vancouver Poetry Society; pub. at irregular intervals (mimeo.); secretary, D. C. MacNair, 2043 Pendrill St., Vancouver: poetry). Manitoba Arts Review, Winnipeg [Arts Student Body of Univ. of Manitoba: semi-annual; 1938+: literature, education. philosophy current problems]. Presbyterian Student, Toronto [pub. by students of Knox College, Toronto; 1935+ : articles on religion]. Shoulder Strap, Vancouver [issued by authority of British Columbia Provincial Police; semi-annual; 19.38+i ed. A. A. Brookhouse: narrative and descriptive sketches]. The Canadian Bookman has been reorganized under the editorship of Howe Martyn, with a distinguished advisory board; rublication of Canadian Commmt has been temporarily suspended; the title 0 Child and Family W~lfarl! has been changed to Tht Canadian IVl!lfar~ Summary; Th~ Und~rgradtlat~ (University College) is now being published twice a year. II. CULTURAL AND LITERARY HISTORY OF CANADA A. Selected Works of Reference Abbott (Maude E.), Classified and annotated bibliography of Sir William Osler's publications. Montreal, Medical Museu~J. McGill Univ., I75pp.~ $2.25. Archibald (Eugenie) camp., Catalogue of the william Inglis Morse collection of booksLpictures, map~J. manuscripts, etc. at Dalhousie University Library, Halifax, Nova Scotia. with foreword by CARLETON STANLEY and preface by WILLIAM INOLIS MORSE. London, Curwen Press {7J, 119pp. Revd. CHR Dec. Beals (Helen D. ), A catalogue of the Eric R. :Dennis collection of Canadiana in the library of Acadia University. Prepared under direction of MARY KINLEY IHO ItAHAM. Wolfville, N.S., vi, 212pp. Blauveldt (Robert Brooks) ed., lThese Lists were prepared in the Editorial Office of the Universitr of Toronto Press, under the direction of its General Editor and the Editor 0 "Letters in Canada." AU references in the Lists are to 1938 except when another date is given. FolIowing many of the items listed, attention is drawn to more extended reviews in other periodicals. An asterisk marks the names of those authors whom we believe not to be Canadians. The following abbreviations have been used: AL-Adult Learning; ACB-Association of Canadian Bookmen, Lit~rary Bulletin; BCH~-BritiJh Columbia Historical ยง(.uarterl'i C- Calladiall; CB- Canadian Bookman; CF-Canadian Forum; CG']-Canadian G~ographical Journal; CHACanadian Historical Association r~pqrt; CflR- Calladia71 Historical RerJj~tD; CJEPS-Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Scimu; CM-Canadian Magazi71~; CNMag.-Canadian National Magazjn~; CPM- Canadian PO~/ry Magazin~; CT-Canadjan Thinker; Cr.- Crucible,' Cur. Call-Curtain Call; DR-Dalhousi~ Rl!pi~w; DBS-Dominion Bureau of Statisticsj _7ENS-'Journal of Educalio'tjor Nopa Scotia; KP-King's Printerj MN-McGifl N~ws; Mac.Macltan 's Magazin~; Mcfl-McMast~r 2!..uarttrlYi MAR-Manitoba Arts R~fJi~w; NHM-Natiol1al Home Montldy; Nl'T-N~TD York Times; OHS-Ontario His/orical Soci~/YJ Papers and records, XXXII; OLR-Olltario Library R~fJi~Wi PS-PrtJb)'t~rjall Studmt; PA-Public Affairs; ~-!?luart"ly; U-~u~m's ~uart"lyj R-R~r;jtwj RSC- Royal Socidy oj Calladll, TranJtJctionsi SNSaturday NilMi TLS-Tim~s Litl!rary Supp/~mmti U.of T.-Unir;~r;ily oj Torollto; UT!t.!..-Unir;~rsily oj Toronto ~uart~rly; WFP-Winnjp~g Pru PrtJs, See also Ill, foot-note 3. 348 LETTERS IN CANADA: 1938 349 Leaders of Nova Scotia, 1936: A who's who of the political, professional, commercial and moral le aders of the province. Yarmouth, N,S., Loyalist Press, 1936, 82pp. $5.00. Brome County Historical Society, Catalogue of documents: Bibliography of the Eastero Townships: (Pub. 1, n.S. 1937.) Knowl. ton, P.Q., The Society. 1937, 63pp., 35c. Canada, DBS, Canada, 1938, Official han dbook of present condi uons and recent progress (Ottawa, KP, 192pp., 25c.); Canada year book, 193B, Official statistical annual of the resources, history. iostitutions, and social and economic conditions of the Dominion (Ottawa, KP, xlii] 1141pp. $1.50; revd. CF Oct.)i Census of Prairie Provinces, 1936, OCCllpatlons 'in relation to length of school life for thl...

