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:THE T'HUNDER BIRD OF THE MOU, NTAINS ' MARIUS BARBEAU' F OUR of us were busy around a small campfire, cooking our luncheon on the beach, while our little troupe of Indians had moved away to the edge of the bush. ' ' The discovery we had made thrilled lls-a row of , totem pole~, the tallest and finest we had yet seen, and completely lost in this remote forest~ We were still further spellbound by the native pageantry which we had just witnessed at the foot of those impressive memorial columns, where ,carved ,figures rose out of the shrubbery and climbed upon each other into the sky. This vista was so full of human expressiveness against a background of wild nature that we were aroused as, if by inspiration to a new understanding of cultural values in life and in art. Understanding is not the right word, for we were unawares groping for it. It still eluded our 'full grasp. Bu't we were on our way, undergoing a 'novel 'experience that made us wiser at every step. At least that was the hidden spiritual link between us at the moment, the,seething force within that already sought an autlet and charged the atm

