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  • Other Books Received
Beckett, Sister Wendy. Sister Wendy on the Art of Christmas. (Cincinnati: Franciscan Media. 2013. Pp. vii, 56. $14.99 paperback.)
———. Sister Wendy on the Art of Mary. (Cincinnati: Franciscan Media. 2013. Pp. viii, 56. $14.99 paperback.)
———. Sister Wendy on the Art of Saints. (Cincinnati: Franciscan Media. 2013. Pp. viii, 56. $14.99 paperback.) Each of fourteen saints from John the Baptist to Thérèse of Lisieux is accorded a full page, full-color illustration and three pages of text, except the last, who is shown in a photograph.
Black, Robert. Machiavelli. (New York: Routledge. 2013. Pp. xxviii, 376. $39.95 paperback.)
Caster, Gary. Joseph: The Man Who Raised Jesus. (Cincinnati: Servant Books, an imprint of Franciscan Media. 2013. Pp. xiv, 129. $14.99 paperback.)
*Chatenet, Monique, and Claude Mignot (Eds.). L’architecture religieuse européenne au temps des Réformes: Héritage de la Renaissance et nouvelles problématiques. [De Architectura.] (Paris: Éditions A et J Picard. 2009. Pp. 294. €52,00 paperback.)
*Clarke, Peter, and Tony Claydon (Eds.). The Church, the Afterlife, and the Fate of the Soul: Papers Read at the 2007 Summer Meeting and the 2008 Winter Meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society. [Studies in Church History, Vol. 45.] (Rochester, NY: Ecclesiastical History Society in association with Boydell Press. 2009. Pp. xxiv, 429. $90.00 clothbound.)
*Duffin, Jacalyn. Medical Miracles: Doctors, Saints, and Healing in the Modern World. (New York: Oxford University Press. 2009. Pp. xviii, 285. $29.95 clothbound.)
*Elliott, Marianne. When God Took Sides; Religion and Identity in Ireland—Unfinished History. (New York: Oxford University Press. 2009. Pp. xiv, 330. $34.95 clothbound.)
Foley, Leonard, O.F.M. (Ed.). Saint of the Day: Updated and Expanded. Revised by Pat McCloskey, O.F.M. (Cincinnati: Franciscan Media. 2013. Pp. xxiv, 371. $19.99 paperback.)
*Gilli, Patrick, Jacques Verger, and Daniel Le Blévec (Eds.). Les universités et la ville au Moyen Âge: Cohabitation et tension. [Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Vol. 30.] (Leiden: Brill. 2007. Pp. viii, 371. $129.00 clothbound.) [End Page 428]
Girzone, Joseph F. Stories of Jesus: 40 Days of Prayer and Reflection. (Cincinnati: Franciscan Media. 2014. Pp. x, 148. $14.99 paperback.)
*Gootjes, Nicolaas H. The Belgic Confession: Its History and Sources. [Texts and Studies in Reformation and Post-Reformation Thought.] (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic. 2007. Pp. 229. $29.99 paperback.)
*Gresko, Jacqueline. Traditions of Faith and Service: Archdiocese of Vancouver 1908– 2008. (Vancouver: Archdiocese of Vancouver. 2008. Pp. 285. C$39.00 paperback.)
*Hägermann, Dieter. Das Papsttum am Vorabend des Investiturstreits: Stephan IX. (1057–1058), Benedikt X. (1058) und Nikolaus II. (1058–1061). [Päpste und Papsttum, Vol. 36.] (Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann Verlag. 2008. Pp. xii, 247. €138,00 clothbound.)
Haye, Thomas. Päpste und Poeten. Die mittelalterliche Kurie als Objekt und Förderer panegyrischer Dichtung. (New York: Walter de Gruyter. 2009. Pp. 326. $196.00.)
Heidegger, Martin. The Essence of Truth: On Plato’s Cave Allegory and Theaetetus. Trans. Ted Sadler. (New York: Bloomsbury. 2013. Pp. xviii, 283. $19.95 paperback.)
*Helfferich, Tryntje (Ed. and Trans.). The Thirty Years War: A Documentary History. (Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing. 2009. Pp. xxii, 332. $16.95 paperback.)
*Hildebrand, Stephen M. The Trinitarian Theology of Basil of Caesarea: A Synthesis of Greek Thought and Biblical Truth. (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press. 2007. Pp. xvi, 254. $59.96 clothbound.)
Irwin, Kevin W. Serving the Body of Christ: The Magisterium on Eucharist and Ordained Priesthood. (Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press. 2013. Pp. viii, 148. $18.95 paperback.)
*Johnson, William Bruce. Miracles and Sacrilege: Roberto Rossellini, the Church, and Film Censorship in Hollywood. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 2008. Pp. vii, 516. $35.00 paperback.)
Kratz, Reinhard G., and Bernhard Neuschäfer. Die Göttinger Septuaginta. Ein editorisches Jahrhundertprojekt. [Abhandlungen der Akadamie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Neue Folge, Band 22; Mitteilungen des Septuaginta-Unternehmens (MSU), XXX.] (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. 2013. Pp. viii, 430. $168.00 clothbound.)
*Lionarons, Joyce Tally. The Homiletic Writings of Archbishop Wulfstan: A Critical Study. [Anglo-Saxon Studies, Vol. 14.] (Rochester, NY: D. S. Brewer, an imprint of Boydell & Brewer. 2010. Pp. viii, 194. $99.00 clothbound.)
Luther, Martin...

