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  • About the Contributors

Shiferaw Bekele is a professor of history at Addis Ababa University. His areas of research are the economic, cultural, and political history of Ethiopia from the late 18th to the 20th century. He has published numerous essays and articles, and has also edited and coedited several books.

Christopher Day is an assistant professor of political science at the College of Charleston. His teaching and research interests are in African politics, political violence, and civil wars. He is a former disaster relief worker with Médécins Sans Frontières, and earned his PhD in political science from Northwestern University.

Serge D. Elie has a DPhil in social anthropology from the University of Sussex, United Kingdom. He is currently a research associate at the Yemen Center for Studies and Research in Sana’a. He has been published in 20 academic journals, which include Alternatives, Anthropology of the Middle East, British Journal of Middle East Studies, Chroniques Yéménites, History and Anthropology, Human Organization, Journal of Arabian Studies, Practicing Anthropology, Qualitative Inquiry, and Third World Quarterly. He is completing a book manuscript on the anthropology of state incorporation in Yemen. [End Page 167]

Kindeneh Endeg Mihretie received his BA and MA degrees in history from Addis Ababa University in 1997 and 2004, respectively. In May 2011, he received his PhD in history from Florida State University. Currently, he is an assistant professor of history at the Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Addis Ababa University, where he does research and teaching.

Getaččäw Märäsa Nǝguś obtained his BA in history and MA in archaeology from Addis Ababa University. His BA thesis examined ethnic conflict amongst the Raya and Afar in Ethiopia, and his MA thesis examined rock art in eastern Tigray in terms of its relevance to the development of early food production in northeastern Ethiopia. He is currently a PhD student at the University of Calgary.

Faisal A. Roble is a prolific, well-known, and highly respected political analyst of, and commentator on, Somali politics, history, and society. Until last year, he was the editor-in-chief of, and he presently serves as a contributing editor of The Horn of Africa journal and as Director of Research for the Institute for Horn of Africa Studies and Affairs (IHASA). He is a regular participant in the yearly roundtable “Reflections and Ruminations on The Horn of Africa” at the African Studies Association Annual Conference.

Shumet Sishagne obtained his PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, and is presently an associate professor of history at Christopher Newport University, Virginia. In addition to many articles, he has published the book Unionists and Separatists: The Vagaries of Ethio-Eritrean Relation (Tsehai, 2007).

Aaron Tesfaye, PhD is Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, William Paterson University, Wayne, New Jersey. He was a 2010–11 Fulbright Scholar in the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. He is author of “Environmental Security, Regime Building and International Law in the Nile Basin,” Canadian Journal of African Studies (2012); The Political Economy of the Nile Basin Regime in the Twentieth Century (NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2009); and Political Power and Ethnic Federalism: the Struggle for Democracy in Ethiopia (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2002). He has also published [End Page 168] articles in the International Journal Ethiopian Studies and Beijing Review’s China Africa Journal. He is a frequent contributor to Z-net and Pambazuka News.

Awet T. Weldemichael teaches at the Department of History, University of Kentucky. He has previously held teaching and research positions at UCLA, University of Bologna, Hamburg University, and the University of Paris. [End Page 169]


