In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contributors/Collaborateurs

Hart Cantelon is professor emeritus, University of Lethbridge. He resides in Kingston Ontario, and maintains an interest in Olympic sport, international ice hockey, and sport and politics in the former Soviet Union.

François Charbonneau est professeur à l’École d’études politiques de l’université d’Ottawa, directeur de l’axe de recherche « Francophonies minoritaires, identité et politiques des langues » au Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche sur la citoyenneté et les minorités et est le directeur de la revue Argument.

Samuel Coeytaux est diplômé de Sciences-Po Grenoble et attaché culturel de l’Association Solidarité 35 Roumanie.

J.I. Little is a member of Simon Fraser University’s History Department. His most recent books are An Illustrated History of Quebec: Tradition and Modernity, with Peter Gossage (Oxford 2011) and Patrician Liberal: The Public and Private Life of Sir Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière, 1829-1908 (Toronto 2012).

Jack Lucas is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Political Science at the University of Toronto. He is currently completing a dissertation on processes of institutional change at the local level in Canada.

Dale Miquelon is professor emeritus of History, University of Saskatchewan. In 1960 at the University of Alberta he began his study of the history of New France and his long years of association with his mentor, W.J Eccles.

Kirsty Robertson is an associate professor of Museum Studies and Contemporary Art in the Department of Visual Arts at Western University, Canada.

Stephanie Anderson is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Visual Arts at Western University.

Elizabeth Diggon in a doctoral candidate in the Department of Cultural Studies at Queen’s University.

Ahlia Moussa obtained her master of arts from the Department of Visual Arts at Western University in 2010, and is currently working at the Power Plant Gallery in Toronto.

Sarah Smith is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Art at Queen’s University.

Jay Scherer is an associate professor, Faculty of Physical Education & Recreation, University of Alberta. His research interests include: cultural studies of sport and leisure, and, globalization, sport, and public policy. [End Page 292]

Jonathan Swainger is a professor in the History Department of the University of Northern British Columbia. He has published on a variety of topics relating to Canadian and Western Canadian legal history. He is currently working on a crime history of the Peace River region of British Columbia and an institutional history of the University of Northern British Columbia in anticipation of the university’s 25th anniversary in 2015.

Raymond Tatalovich received his PhD from the University of Chicago where he studied under Theodore J. Lowi. As professor of Political Science at Loyola University Chicago, he teaches Canadian Politics and is the immediate past president of the Canadian Politics Section of the American Political Science Association.

James Trepanier is an historian at the Canadian Museum of Civilization. His research focusses on the history of children and youth, as well as French-English relations and the social history of religion in Canada.

Daryl White, PhD, is a history instructor at Grande Prairie Regional College. [End Page 293]


