In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Foreboding
  • Paulo Colina (bio)

May, thirteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, sounds to me like a cosmic whisper.

The night shaken by sirens startles me

Turning my pockets inside out searching for the pass that permits me, São Paulo, to cross streets in peace.

The Princess forgot to sign our work permits.

I suspect, indeed, that a living Palmares is necessary.

  • Pressentimento
  • Paulo Colina (bio)
    Translated by Phyllis Peres and Jane Kamide

Maio, treze, mil oitocentos e oitenta e oito, me soam como um sussurro cósmico.

A noite sobressaltada por sirenes me sacode.

Reviro os bolsos à procura do passe que me permite, São Paulo, cruzar ruas em latente paz.

A Princesa esqueceu-se de assinar nossas carteiras de trabalho.

Desconfio, sim, que Palmares vivo é necessário.

Reprinted by permission of the author.

Paulo Colina

Paulo Colina: escreveu um livro de contos Fogo cruzado e um livro de poesia, Plano de vôo. Editou o livro Axé—Antologia contemporânea da poesia negra brasileira.

Paulo Colina

Paulo Colina has written a book of short stories, Fogo cruzado, and a book of poetry, Plano de vôo. He edited an anthology, Axé—Antologia contemporânea da poesia negra brasileira.


Note: On May 13, 1888, Princess-Regent Isabel signed the “Golden Law” that abolished slavery in Brazil.

Palmares, the longest-lived and most famous quilombo — a community formed by runaway slaves — in Brazilian history, has become a modern-day symbol for liberation among African-Brazilians.

