In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • The Journal of Interdisciplinary HistoryContents, Volume xliv, 2013–2014

Number 1, Summer 2013

Growing up Roman: Infant Mortality and Reproductive Development Nathan Pilkington 1
Between Famine and Death: England on the Eve of the Black Death—Evidence from Paleoepidemiology and Manorial Accounts Sharon DeWitte and Philip Slavin 37
Mapping the Boston Poor: Inmates of the Boston Almshouse, 1795–1801 Ruth Wallis Herndon and Amilcar E. Challú 61
White Goods in Italy during a Golden Age (1948–1973) Ivan Paris 83

Number 2, Autumn 2013

Venetian Trading Networks in the Medieval Mediterranean Francisco Apellániz 159
The African-American Labor Supply after Reconstruction: Added Worker Effects in Urban Families John E. Murray and Werner Troesken 181
Faces of Opposition: Juvenile Resistance, High Treason, and the People’s Court in Nazi Germany Wayne Geerling, Gary B. Magee, and Robert Brooks 209
review essay
Sorcery in the Black Atlantic: The Occult Arts in Comparative Perspective Lauren Derby 235
comment and controversy    
On “Translating” History: A Rejoinder to Ramsay MacMullen Robert B. Ekelund, Jr., and Robert D. Tollison 245

[End Page 571]

Number 3, Winter 2014

The Little Ice Age: Climate and History Reconsidered

introduction: the editors
The Waning of the Little Ice Age: Climate Change in Early Modern Europe Morgan Kelly and Cormac Ó Gráda 301
comment and controversy    
The Real Little Ice Age Sam White 327
The Little Ice Age in Scientific Perspective: Cold Spells and Caveats Ulf Büntgen and Lena Hellmann 353
review essay
The Crisis of the Seventeenth Century: The Little Ice Age and the Mystery of the Great Divergence Jan de Vries 369

Number 4, Spring, 2014

Animal Protein and Rational Choice: Diet in the Eighteenth Century Martin Bruegel, Jean-Michel Chevet, and Sébastien Lecocq 427
[End Page 572]
Communication and State Construction: The Postal Service in German States, 1815–1866 Zef Segal 453
Why “Race Suicide”? Cultural Factors in U.S. Fertility Decline, 1903–1908 Trent MacNamara 475
World Population Growth: The Force of Recent Historical Trends Enriqueta Camps and Stanley L. Engerman 509

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