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C o n t r i b u t o r s A u t h o r s Mark K. Bums is an assistant professor at Brigham Young University. W h ile driving back and forth between U ta h and his hom e in Ne w York as an undergraduate , he became fascinated by the great Am e rican prairie geography. Living on Irving Stre et in Cambridge , Massachusetts, during graduate school predestined his interest in Was hington Irving. His m ain field o f study is nineteenth - century Am e rican literature o f the frontier, and he also teaches courses in La tin Am e rican and African literatures. Michael K. Johnson is an associate professor o f Am e rican literature at the Unive rs ity o f Maine at Farmington. His book Black Mas culinity and the Frontie r M y th in A m e rican Literature was published by the Unive rs ity of Oklahom a Press. He has also publishe d articles on the African Am e rican West in Gre at Plains Quarte rly , A frican A m e rican Review , and Quarte rly Review o f Film and V ideo. Bernard Quetchenbach is an assistant professor of English at Montana State University- Billings. He is the author of Back from the Far Field: A m e rican N ature Poetry in the Late T w entieth Ce ntury and a number o f poems, essays, and critical articles. He is a coeditor of Lake Hollingsw orth: Reflections and Studies on a Florida Landm ark , a multidis ciplinary anthology published by the History Press in 2005. A r t i s t s Karl Bodmer (1809- 1893) created influe ntial prints o f N o rth Ame rica that he lpe d shape nine tee nth- ce ntury Europe’s pe rception o f Native Americans and the U nite d States. Ma x im ilia n Prince o f Wied- Ne uwied commissione d Bodmer to create a “faithful and vivid image” o f the U nite d States and its peoples to accompany M a x im ilia n’s docum e ntation of w hat he considered vanis hing cultures. U po n re turning to Europe, Bodmer translated his drawings and watercolors into engravings. Percival Everett, writer and painter, is the author o f fiftee n novels, three col­ lections o f short fiction, and one volume o f poetry. He is the re cipie nt o f the PEN U S A Award and o f the Acade my Award from the Am e rican Acade my of Arts and Letters, and his stories have been include d in the Pushcart Prize Anthology and Best Am e rican Short Stories. He is a professor at the Unive rsity o f Southe rn California, where he teaches fiction w riting and critical theory. Ed Sandoval is a re nowned and popular contemporary artist, living and working in Taos, New Me xico. Bom in Nambe , Ne w Me xico, his roots in Ne w Me xico are true and deep. His work has been exhibite d throughout the Southwest and can be found currently at the Studio de Colores Gallery, Taos, New Mexico: . For more inform ation, call 888- 751- 3502. ...

