In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • David T. Bretherton replies:
  • David T. Bretherton

I apologise to Michael Lorenz for unintentionally misrepresenting his views on Mayrhofer’s sexuality in footnote 13 of my recent Music & Letters article, and by extension for misrepresenting his low estimation of scholarship that speculates on the sexuality of Schubert and his circle. Furthermore, I thank him for suggesting an additional publication that I could have cited in that footnote, and for pointing out that it was imprecise to describe Mayrhofer as a ‘censor’ per se, rather than as an agent of the board of censors. Scholars should certainly aspire to accuracy. I would submit, however, that Lorenz’s points primarily relate (literally and figuratively) to footnotes and have little bearing on the analyses of Schubert’s Gondelfahrer settings that I offered. [End Page 567]

David T. Bretherton
University of Southampton

