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Research in Western American Literature T H O M A S J. L Y O N , Utah State University I.COMPLETED THESES AND DISSERTATIONS Allred, Jared Rulon “T he W estern Inhum anism o f Robinson Jeffers,” (M.A.) University of Utah, 1971. Almon, Bert L. “T he Imagination of Gary Snyder” (Ph.D.) University of New Mexico, 1971. Antone, Evan H. “Tom Lea: A Study of His Life and W ork” (Ph.D.) University of California, Los Angeles, 1971. Barnett, Linda D. “T he Critics of B ret H arte: An A nnotated Bibliography” (Ph.D.) University of Southern California, 1972. Bencivenga, James J. “Intuitive Being: A Consideration of D. H. Lawrence’s The Plumed Serpent” (M.A.) University of Denver, 1971. Billingsley, Ronald G. “T he Artistry of Ken Kesey” (Ph.D) University of Oregon, 1971. Bluestein, Gene “T he Background and Sources for an American Folksong Tradition” (Ph.D.) University of Minnesota, 1972. Bogard, William J. “T he West as a Cultural Image at the end of the Nineteenth Century” (Ph.D.) Tulane University, 1971. Brauer, Ralph “T he Horse, the Gun, and the Piece of Property: Changing Images of the T.V. W estern” (Ph.D.) University of Minnesota, 1972. Bridges, Lloyd 296 Western American Literature “Flight in the American Novel” (Ph.D.) University of Utah, 1971. Brown, Joyce D. “Animal Symbolism and Imagery in John Steinbeck’s Fiction from 1929 through 1939” (Ph.D.) University of Southern Mississippi, 1972. Buchesky, Charles S. “The Background of American Literary Naturalism” (Ph.D.) Wayne State University, 1971. Cooley, Dennis “Keeping the Green: the Vegetation of Renewal in Robert Duncan’s Poetry” (Ph.D.) University of Rochester, 1972. Coon, Gilbert D. “A Study of A. B. Guthrie, Jr. and His Tetralogy” (Ph.D.) W ashington State University, 1971. Cooper, Clara B. “Willa Cather: The N ature of Evil and its Purgation” (Ph.D.) Florida State University, 1969. Cooper, Guy L. “Paul H organ: Am erican Synthesis” (Ph.D.) University of Arkansas, 1971. Crooks, Alan Franklin “Walk-Down: A Play with Two Essays” (Ph.D.) University of Utah, 1972. Daniels, Michael “Woody G uthrie’s Dust Bowl Ballads: Poetry of the Dust Bowl” (M.A.) Sonoma State College, 1972. Griffith, Raymond L. “Dissonant Symphony: Multilevel Duality in the Fiction of John Steinbeck” (Ph.D.) Loyola University of Chicago, 1972. Hearn, Charles R. “The Dream of Success in the Great Depression” (Ph.D.) University of Minnesota, 1971. Higgins, James M. “The Southwestern Indian in Fact and Fiction: An Ethnohistorical Study of the Novels o f Frank W aters and O liver LaFarge” (M.A.) California State College, Fullerton, 1971. Judd, Richard W. “Revolution and White Silence: Emotional Considerations in Jack London’s Social Philosophy” (M.A.) California State College, Fullerton, 1972. Research 297 Keiss. Sister Isabelle “Captain Stormfield: Mark Twain’s Symbolic Pilot” (Ph.D.) University of Notre Dame, 1972. McReynolds, William “Walt Disney and the American Scene” (Ph.D.) University of Minnesota, 1972. Marsden, Michael T. “A Selected, Annotated Edition of Henry Rowe Schoolcraft’s Personal M emoirs . . . ” (Ph.D.) Bowling G reen State University, 1972. Mattson, Jeremy. “The Conflict of Civilization and Wilderness” (Ph.D.) Ohio State University, 1972. Medeiros, Patricia M. “The Literature of Travel of Eighteenth-Century America” (Ph.D.) University of Massachusetts, 1971. Ortego, Philip D. “B ackground o f M exican A m erican L iteratu re” (Ph.D.) University of New Mexico, 1971. Prendergast, Arline F. “One of Ours: Willa C ather’s Successful F ailure” (Ph.D.) University of Pittsburgh, 1971. Redinger, Ellsworth L. “T he Poetic Dramas of Robinson Jeffers” (Ph.D.) University of Southern California, 1971. Ricou, Laurence R. “ C a n ad ian P ra irie F iction: T h e S ignificance o f the Landscape” (Ph.D.) University of Toronto, 1971. Rollins, Myrth W. “T he Role of the Mexican in Southwest Literature” (M.A.) University of Texas, El Paso, 1972. Roth, John D. “Down East and Southwestern H um or in the W estern Novels of Edward Eggleston” (Ph.D.) University of Alabama, 1971. Rubin, Sharon “A lfonso Iannelli: A rchitectural Sculptor o f the Prairie School” (Ph.D.) University of Minnesota, 1972. Shelton, Frank W. “T...

