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Notes on Contributors a n n a ALCARO w as a Fulbright Fellow at th e Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa from Septem ber 2011 to May 2012. Ch r is t ia n b a r r y is director o f the C enter for Moral, Social, and Political T heory in th e Research School o f th e Social Sciences at th e A ustralian N ational University. His publications include International Trade and Labor Standards:A Proposalfor Linkage (w ith Reddy, 2008). n e h a l b h u t a is Professor o f Public International Law at th e E uropean U niversity Institute. He w orks in th e areas o f h u m an rights law, laws o f war, an d th e history and theory o f interna­ tional law. o ii v i e r d e s c h u t t e r is professor at the U niversity o f Louvain (UCL) and visiting professor at C olum bia University. Since 2008 h e has been th e U nited Nations Special R apporteur o n th e right to food. ja c k ie d u g a r d is executive director o f th e Socio-Economic Rights Institute o f South Africa and visiting senior fellow at th e School o f Law, U niversity o f th e W itw atersrand. s a k ik o f u k u d a -p a r r is a professor in th e G raduate Program in International Affairs a t The New School. She is best know n for h er w ork o n th e UN D evelopm ent Program Human DevelopmentReports, 1995-2004, an d has published w idely o n poverty, hu m an rights, conflict, gender, an d food policy. d e s g a s p e r is a professor at th e International Institute o f Social Studies, The Hague, Erasm us University R otterdam . His publications include Development Ethics (ed. w ith St.Clair, 2010) an d Transnational Migration and Human Security (ed. w ith Truong, 2011). s ir i g l o p p e n is research director at th e Chr. M ichelsens Institute, Bergen, an d professor o f com parative politics, U niversity o f Bergen. k a t h r y n h o c h s t e t l e r is CIGI Chair o f G overnance in th e A m ericas in th e Balsillie School o f International Affairs an d professor o f political science a t th e U niversity o fW aterloo. She is currently studying Brazil an d South Africa w ith regard to th eir positions in global clim ate change negotiations and energy projects at hom e. CHRISTOPHER LONDON is assistant professor in th e G raduate Program in International Affairs at The New School. He is a specialist in th e analysis and orga­ nization o f social change initiatives, espe­ cially w ith regard to citizen engagem ent in p lanning and developm ent. J e n n i f e r m a c l e o d is a H arvard Law School Holm es Public Interest Fellow. She spent 2011 at th e Socio-Economic Rights Institute o f South Africa. m a n ja r i m a h a ja n is an assistant professor in the G raduate Program in International Affairs at The New School. g e r h a r d o v e r l a n d is project leader at C enter for th e Study o f M ind in N ature, U niversity o f Oslo, and senior research fellow at th e C enter for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, Charles S turt University. As u n c io n l e r a st. c l a ir is research director at th e C enter for International Clim ate and E nvironm ental Research, Oslo, Norway, and associated senior researcher, Chr...

