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ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS PRESENTED (1990 APCG Meeting in Chico) STUART C. AITKEN, San Diego State University Street-Wise or Street Cries: The Empowerment of Children in Urban Environments The techniqueofauto-photography is applied to the study ofchildren-environment transactions. Children were given Fuji disposable cameras and asked to take pictures which “describe how you see yourself in your local environment/neigh­ borhood.” Cognitiveorientationsaredescribedthrough image-contentanalysisand phenomenologicalinterpretations. Geographicaspectsofthechildren’sorientations are enumerated through spatial autocorrelation techniques. VALERIE ANDERSON, California State University, Sacramento A Glimpse at the Lives of Hawkers; A Group of Street and Market Entrepreneurs in Ipoh, Malaysia Waller Court, a housing project for low-income families built with public funds in 1962, was designed to rehouse more than five hundred families from the adjacent squatterarea. The majority ofthese squatters werehawkers—somewithpush carts, some with “permanent” stall areas on the street or sidewalk, and others with designated stalls in the large Ipoh Central Market. The application forms of residents in the housing project and municipal records available at Ipoh City Hall have allowed meto begin to describe the “life ofhawkers,” including areas of sales, types ofmerchandise, routes, familyparticipation, and city laws andrules, over the past thirty years. DOUG BEHRENDS and STEVE LADOCHY, California State University, Los Angeles Modeling Particulate Air Pollution for Metropolitan Los Angeles This study explores the relationships between total suspended particulates (TSP), as wellas smallparticulates ofless than 10microns (PM10, which are moreharmful tohumanhealth),andvariousmeteorologicalvariablesthatareresponsiblefortheir variation. TSP and PM10 data for 1984-88 are analyzed for several Los Angeles locations, along with the meteorological variables for the sameperiod. Regression equations are derived to show the relationships between particulate levels and meteorological factors foreach location. These equations canbe used as predictive modelstoestimateTSPandPMIO values. Photochemicalaerosolsaddasignificant amount to the particulate load for inland valley locations, especially in summer. These valley locations have the highest TSP and PM10 values for the metro area. 254 APCG YEARBOOK • VOLUME 53 • 1991 CAROLINE BERGHOUT, California State University, Chico AComparison ofTwoNorthern Sierra Nevada GoldMiningTowns: Johnsville, Plumas County, and Sierra City, Sierra County During theheightoftheCaliforniagoldrush, mining towns sprang upovernightand were abandoned in the same fashion as the gold played out. This paper compares and contrasts thehistory oftwo such towns,Johnsville in thenorthern section ofthe study region and Sierra City in the south. Both towns depended on mines owned by the same company, the Sierra Buttes Mining Company of London, England. Further, both towns were viable communities well into the twentieth century. At thispointthe historiesbecome a story ofcontrasts. Why did SierraCity survive and maintain businesses and services, while Johnsville continues to die a slow death? WILLIAM BOWEN, California State University, Northridge The Geography of AIDS in California, 1980-90 Thispaper will describetheessential geographyofthe AIDS epidemic inCalifornia between the years 1980 and 1990. The principal form of description and analysis will be a cartographic one. A series of maps will be presented showing the distribution of reported AIDS cases at ZIP code level for all major sections of the state. Particular attention will be paid to the evolving distribution of the disease in the SanFranciscoBayAreaandmetropolitanSouthern California. Within thelatter region, metropolitan Los Angeles County will be given special emphasis because of this area’s relative significance and the quality of available information which allows the mapping of AIDS and related factors at the census tract level. RICHARD BRADLEY, California State University, Chico Forest Planning in the Southern Cascade: Uneven-Age Silviculture Compared to Even-AgeMethodsofSilviculture ina Mixed Conifer ForestinNorthwestern Plumas County This paper compares two contiguous study areas of mixed conifer forest near Chester, Plumas County, California. Uneven-age forest management practices have been used in one area, even-age methods in the other. Included are the environmental impacts associated with the different silviculture methods, an economic comparison, and the socioeconomic aspects of timber harvesting. ELIZABETH K. BURNS, Arizona State University Employment Fields and Laborsheds in Metropolitan Phoenix Daily commuting patterns are a major functional link between dispersed locations inU.S. metropolitan areas. Currentresearch emphasizes thatthe traditional suburbto -central city commuteislessimportant inmosturbanareasthan suburb-to-suburb flows. This paper uses two related concepts of employment field and laborshed to identifypattemsofsubregionalemployerlabormarketsandplace-basedcommuting patterns in metropolitan Phoenix. Abstracts 255 MUNCEL CHANG, Northern California Geographic Alliance Human Decisions and Natural Hazards Perceptions ofnatural hazards differ...

