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250 A P C G Y E A R B O O K • V O L U M E 53 • 1991 A P C G D IS T IN G U IS H E D S E R V IC E A W A R D S , 1990 T he A ssoc ia tio n’s D istinguished S ervice A w ards w ere initiated in 1983. C rite ria for the aw ard include service as an officer (P resident, V ice-P resident, S e cre tary-T reasurer, Y e arbook E ditor, o r N ew slette r E ditor), service as local arrang em e nts chair fo r annu al m eetings, presentation o f papers at annual m eetings, service on com m ittees, and sup po rt o f the A ssociation ov er m any years. T he A w ards and P rizes C o m m ittee (E arl W . K ersten, chair, P e ter E ilers, R aym o nd H atton, and Joh n L ier) recom m en ded presentation o f the D istinguished S ervice A w ard to fou r m em bers o f the A ssociation at the 55th annual m eeting at C hico in S eptem ber 1990. T h e aw ards w ere m ade at the banquet. H O M E R A S C H M A N N , a native o f C alifornia and long-tim e m em ber o f the faculty (now P rofessor E m eritus) o f the U niversity o f C alifornia at R iverside, served as A P C G P resident in 1965-66. H e has been a m ajor figure in cultural geograp hy for m any years and has b een honored by the A ssociation o f A m erican G eograp hers. H is presidential address to the A P C G , “P eople, R ecreation, W ild L and s, and W ildern ess,” argued pow erfully for w ilderness and foresaw the difficu l­ ties involved in preserving lands fo r w ilderness. T oday that difficult struggle continues. R IC H A R D H IG H S M IT H , a native o f O regon and for m any years a faculty m em ber a t O regon S tate U niversity, served as A P C G V ice-P resident in 1963-64 and as P resident in 1964-65. T his leading econom ic and resources geographer m ade H o m e r A sc h m a n n R ic h a rd H ig h sm ith D istinguished Service A w ards 251 num erous contributions including highly resp ected texts in econom ic geography and conservation. In his presidential address, “ G eography and the G reat S o cie ty ,” he predicted an increasingly im portant ro le for geography both in education an d in ap plied w ork. H e argued that a co m prehensive program in the U nited S tates in land resource analysis and land classification w ould be a valuab le tool in preventing further deterioration and destruction o f o ur lands. F R A N C IS J . S C H A D E G G , a native o f W ashington and for decades a m em ber o f the faculty o f E astern W ashington S tate C olleg e, now E astern W ashington U n iversity, served as A P C G S ecretary -T rea su rer in 1950-53 and w as elec ted P residen t in 1958. H e m ad e signific an t co ntributio ns in land use and ag ricultural geography. H e w as th e founder and lon g-tim e ad m inistrator o f th e urban and regional planning program in th e geography dep artm en t a t E astern W ashington. H e w as very active in planning in the...

