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UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO QUARTERLY Contents of Volume 63, Numbers 2-4, 1993/4 All articles and books reviewed in issues 2-4 of volume 63 are listed below. For the material in 'Letters in Canada 1992,' which constitutes issue 1 of the volume, see the 'Index to Books Reviewed,' 63:1 (Fall 1992), 278-85. ARTICLES ADAMOWSKI, T.H. Radical Ingratitude: MassMan and the Humanities 381 ALLARD, JACQUES prom d'une nouvelle litterature 488. See also SMART, PATRICIA BAUER, MATIlilAS Orpheus and the Shades: The Myth of the Poet in David Copperfield 308 BECKWID-I, JOHN Choral Music in Montreal circa 1900: 'Duee Composers 504 CLANDFlELD, DAVID Perils of 'the Unsaid in Michel Brault's film Les Ordres 614 CLOUTIER, CECILE De poesia mia: En hommage au plus queiJecois des Torontois 476 CROSTA, SUZANNE Du silence aI'ecriture: Les lieux d'etre de l'imaginaire creole 375 DE QUEHEN, A.H. Lucretius and Swift's Tale of a Tub 287 FERRALL, CHARLES Melodramas of Modernity ': The Interaction of Vorticisrn and Futurism before the Great War 347 FOSTER, JOHN WILSON Against Nature? Science and Oscar Wilde 328 GODBOUT, JACQUES Petite theorie de l'tle 479 GREEN, MARY JEAN Postmodern Agents: Cultural Representation in Hubert Aquin's Prochain episode and Yolande Villemaire 's MeLlrtres 11 blanc 584 HALEWOOD, W.K Catching Up with Edward Bellamy 451 HAYNE, DAVID M. 'By Any Other Word ...': The Designations of Canadian Literature in French 481 HEBERT, PIERRE Le professeur fictif dans quelques romans quebecois des annees quatre-vingt: pas facile d'etre intellectuel postmoderne! 598 HUTCHEON, LINDA Loading the Canon: A Review Article 369 . KWATERKO, j6ZEF La probJematique interculM turelle dans Alexandre Chenevert de Gabrielle Roy 566 MAILHOT, LAURENT Saint-Denys-Garneau ou l"equilibre imponderable' de l'homme et du poete 518 MARSHALL, UNDA E. 'Transfigured to His Likeness': Sensible Transcendentalism in Christina Rossetti's 'Goblin Market' 429 PATERSON,jANETM. Ni l'un, ni l'autre: l'ambivalence du discours de l'heterogene dans Volkswagen Blues 605 PELLETIER, JACQUES Le Romantisme tragique du jeune Hubert Aquin 575 PERKIN,j. RUSSELL Locking George Sand in the Attic: Female Passion and Domestic Realism in the Victorian Novel 408 ROBIDOUX, REJEAN Gerard Bessette ou )'exaltation de la parole 538 SANAKER, JOHN KRISTIAN All chic resto pop Ie direct emancipateur 638 SHEK, BEN-Z. La vision photographique de 'Crouton' 648 SIMON, SHERRY La Sarrasine: fragments d'une double histoire 630 SMART, PATRICIA Unearthing the Subject behind the Woman-Object: The Representation of Muriel Guilbault in Claude Gauvreau's Beaule baroque 528 SMART, PATRICIA and JACQUES ALLARD A Salute to Ben Shek/Hommage aB.-Z. Shek 475 THEORET, FRANCE Le roman au ferrunin 478 656 CONTENTS OF VOLUME 63 TREPANIER, ESTHER Entre la litterature et la peinture, Ia montagne: l'ecart entre les representations litteraires de Montreal et la peinture d'Adrien Hebert 551 REVIEWS Boyle, Marjorie O'Rourke Pelrarc!l's Genills: Penlimel110 altd PropheClJ (GERMAINE WARKENTIN) 462 Dalziel, Pamela, ed. 71lOl1Ia5 Hardy'5 Excluded and Collaborative Stories (SlMON GAmELL) 467 Knapp, Jeffrey Tudor Englalld's Postmodern C%niLzlists (PAUL STEVENS) 464 Marr, David Patrick White: A Life (j.M. REIBETANZ) 470 Ollard, Richard Pep1Js A Biography (DOUGLAS CHAMBERS) 379 Trousson, Raymond TrOllsson's Biogrnpl1Y of Rousseau (AUBREY ROSENBERG) 472 ...

