In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • World Politics AnnouncesVisiting Fellow for 2013–14

Tulia Falleti, an associate professor of political science and a senior fellow in the Leonard Davis Institute for Health Economics at the University of Pennsylvania, has been named World Politics Visiting Fellow for the academic year 2013–14. Her position is effective September 1.

Falleti’s research interests in comparative politics focus on Latin America, historical institutionalism, and community participation, with an emphasis in the health sector. While at Princeton, she will work on a book project on participatory democracy and citizenship in Latin America and, as a coeditor, on The Oxford Handbook of Historical Institutionalism.

The fellowship is funded by World Politics and hosted by the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies. For more information, visit the World Politics Web site at [End Page 571]


