In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Current JJ Checklist (116)
  • William S. Brockman (bio)

We bring to your attention a fine digitization of the first edition of Ulysses, listed below, produced by Gallica at the Bibliothèque nationale. Thanks for contributions to this Checklist go to Susanna Coetzee, Ma Ángeles Conde-Parrilla, Ann Copeland, Wilhelm Füger, Judith Harrington, K. P. S. Jochum, Erika Mihálycsa, Fritz Senn, and Bob Spoo. Please send contributions to your bibliographer at W329 Pattee, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, or via e-mail to <>. The Checklists are cumulated online in The James Joyce Checklist <>.

JJ Works

Dublin Stories = Erzählungen aus Dublin. Trans. Harald Raykowski and Betty Wahl. Munich: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 2012. 192 pp. ISBN 978-3-423-09502-0.

[English and German translation on facing pages.]

Dubliner. Trans. Harald Raykowski. Munich: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 2012. 318 pp. ISBN 978-3-423-14069-0.

[German translation.]

Dubliners. New York: Modern Library, 2012. xxvi, 249 pp. ISBN 978-0-8129-8301-2.

[John Banville, "Introduction," xi-xxi; Robert Scholes, "A Note on the Text," xxiii-xxvi.]

Dubliners. Robert Craven, 2012. <>.

["This is a hypertextual, self-referential edition of Dubliners by James Joyce."]

Fen ni gen de shou ling ye. Trans. Congrong Dai. Shanghai: Shang hai ren min chu ban she, 2013. 776 pp. ISBN 9787208109193.

[Chinese translation of Finnegans Wake.]

I gatti di Copenhagen. Trans. Anna Sarfatti. Milan: Giunti, 2012. 46 pp. ISBN 9788809777675.

[Italian translation of Cats of Copenhagen. Revs.: Lara Crinò, "E zio James raccontò la favola dei gatti all'amato nipotino," Venerdì (26 October 2012): 105-06; Dario Fertilio, "Il Joyced ritrovato: una fiaba sui gatti," Corriere della sera (11 February 2012): 59.] [End Page 129]

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Robert Craven, 2012. <http://www.>.

["This is a hypertextual, self-referential edition of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce."]

(Ulisse. Trans. Terrinoni and Bigazzi, 2012.)

[Revs.: Massimo Bacigalupo, "Un Molly pìu serva," alfabeta2 (March 2012): 4; Antonio Bibbò, Mucchio (March 2012): Booklet 140-41; Dario Fertilio, "Il vero Joyce, popolare e sbocatto," Corriere della sera (10 December 2011): 57; Mario Bernardi Guardi, "Ulisse ha 90 anni e continua a vagari," Il Tempo (28 December 2011): 40; Paolo De Simone, "L'Ulisse di Enrico Terrinoni," La Provincia (11 December 2011): 39; Stefano Vicentini, "Oh! Ulisse vestito di nuovo," L'Arena (16 June 2012): 63; Alessandro Zaccuri, "Joyce & C., gli italiani di Ulisse," Avvenire (7 December 2011): 28.]

Ulysses, 1922. <>.

[Page images of complete text as digitized by Gallica in 2012.]

Ulysses. Trans. Glenn Anderson. Manga Classic Readers. Long Island City: One Peace Books, 2012. unpaged pp. ISBN 978-1-935548-19-5.

["Author and images by Variety Art Works."]

Ulysses. Robert Craven, 2012. <>.

["This is a hypertextual, self-referential edition of Ulysses by James Joyce."]

Ulysses. Ed. Sam Slote. Richmond: Alma Classics, 2012. xiv, 878 pp. ISBN 978-1-84749-217-3.

["Based on the 1939 Odyssey Press edition." Revs.: Eric Bulson, "Incog and Spucks," TLS no. 5727(4 January 2013): 5; Terence Killeen, "A Noteworthy Return to Joyce's Masterpiece," Irish Times (5 January 2013): Weekend 13.]

Youlixisi. Trans. Qian Xiao and Jieruo Wen. 2 vols. Shanghai: Shanghai san lian shu dian, 2009. ISBN 978-7-5426-3021-6.

[Reissue of the 1994 Chinese translation of U.]

Yurishizu. Manga de dokuha. Tokyo: East Press, 2009. 382 pp. ISBN 978-4-7816-0084-0.

[U as a manga novel.]

Secondary Sources

ALEXANDER, Sam. "Joyce's Census: Character, Demography, and the Problem of Population in Ulysses." Novel: A Forum on Fiction 45, iii (Fall 2012): 433-54.
ALLEN, Nicholas. "'out of eure sanscreed into oure eryan': Ireland, the Classics, and Independence." Classics and National Cultures. Ed. Susan A. Stephens and Phiroze Vasunia. Classical Presences. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. 16-33. ISBN 978-0-19-921298-9.

[Especially "Joyce in the Ruins," 17-23.] [End Page 130]

ANDERSON, Dustin. "Joyce...

