In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Country Road, Hamilton County
  • Bill Christophersen (bio)

We walk and play "I spy . . .": fiddleheadferns; goldenrod; lupine; joe-pye weed;a cranberry bog, the berries not yet red. . . .The foliage has just begun to bleed.A tropical storm's been through—the final wheezeof a hurricane that came apart in gustsbut managed, nonetheless, to take down treesand wash out roads and bridges. You can't trustSeptember. A felled white pine's scraggly boleprotrudes above our heads—grotesque retortto summer's lush and breezy protocolsthat otherwise had mesmerized. Our sportflags. But only for the time it takes to spythis bottle-green and emerald dragonfly. [End Page 58]

Bill Christophersen

Bill Christophersen has had poems published recently in Birmingham Poetry Review, Comstock Review, Hanging Loose, Innisfree Poetry Journal, Rhino, Right Hand Pointing and Sierra Nevada Review. He plays bluegrass and traditional fiddle and lives in New York City.


