In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

© UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO PRESS 1985 All rights reserved. Permission to reproduce in whole or in part must be obtained in writing from University ofToronto Press CONTRIBUTORS GARRY WATSON Professor of English, University of Alberta; The Leavises, The 'Social,' and the Left (1977) ALLAN PRITCHARD Professor of English, University College, University of Toronto; editor, Abraham Cowley, The Civil War (1973) J.J. HEALY Professor of English, Carleton University; Literature and the Aborigine in Australia (1978) GRAEME HUNTER Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Erindale College, University of Toronto MICHAEL H. KEEFER Associate Professor of English, Universite Sainte-Anne, NS DAVID BAGULEY Professor of French, University of Western Ontario; 'Fecondite' d'Emile Zola: roman Ii these, evangile, mythe (1973); Bibliographie de la critique sur Emile Zola: 1964-1970 (1976); Bibliographie de la critique sur Emile Zola: 1971-1980 (1982) GARYWIHL Assistant Professor of English, McGill University; Ruskin and the Rhetoric ofInfallibility (1985) JEFFREY MEYERS Professor of English, University of Colorado; A Reader's Guide to George Orwell (1975); Katherine Mansfield: A Biography (1978); The Enemy: A Biography ofWyndham Lewis (1980); Hemingway: A Biography (1985), etc W.J. KEITH Professor of English, University College, University of Toronto; Epic Fiction: The Art ofRudy Wiebe (1981); The Poetry ofNature: Rural Perspectives in Poetry from Wordsworth to the Present (1980); Canadian Literature in English (1985), etc ...

