• restricted access Idéologies au Canada français 1940–1976 ed. by Fernand Dumont, Jean Hamelin, and Jean-Paul Montminy, and: Imaginaire social et représentations collectives, mélanges offerts à Jean-Charles Falardeau ed. by Fernand Dumont and Yves Martin, and: LA Passion d'autonomie, littérature et nationalisme Les Herbes rouges by François Charron, and: Cause commune, manifeste pour une internationale des petites cultures by Michèle Lalonde and Denis Monière, and: Possibles, and: Réception critique de textes littéraires québécois ed. by Richard Giguère, and: Le Cinéma québécois à la recherche d'un public by Ginette Major (review)

  • B.-Z. Shek
  • University of Toronto Quarterly
  • University of Toronto Press
  • Volume 52, Number 4, Summer 1983
  • pp. 505-516
  • Review
  • Additional Information
In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

HUMANITIES 505 Fernand Dumont, Jean Hamelin, Jean-Paul Montminy, editors. Ideologies au Canada fran,ais '940-'9;76, 3 vols Presses de l'universite Laval 1981. 360, 390, 360. 545.00 Fernand Dumont and Yves Martin, editors. Imaginaire social et representations collectives, melanges offerts aJean-Charles Falardeau Presses de I'universite lavaL 441. $20.00 Fran,;;ois Charron. LA Passion d'autonomie, litterature et nationalisme Les Herbes rouges, 99-100 Ganuary 1982). 69 Michele Lalonde and Denis Moniere. Cause commune, maniteste pour une internationale des petites cultures L'Hexagone 1981. 41. $5·95 Possibles, VII, 1 (1982), 'Territoires de l'art' Montreal. 206. $5.95 Richard Giguere, editor. Reception critique de textes lifter-aires quebecois Departement d'etudes franc;aises, Universite de Sherbrooke. 202 Ginette Major. Le Cinema qflebecois ala recherche d'u" public Presses de l'Universite de Montreal. 163. $19·95 The last two years have seen the publication of a number of important books and pamphlets which, in a broad way, deal with the relationships between ideology and culture in Quebec. Between them is developed an implicit debate within the general framework of socio-criticism, one which, by the very nature of the materials studied, is by no means definitive. I shall deal with the above texts in three groups; the first, of a more general nature, taking together the publications from Laval University ; the second, combining Charron, Lalonde-Moniere, and Possibles, and centred on conflicting attitudes to the links between regionalism/ nationalism and internationalism in the arts; and finally, the Giguere and Major texts, which analyse fiction, poetry, and films by specific authors. Ideologies au Canada fran,ais 1940-1976 is the twelfth title in the vital series 'Histoire et sociologie de la culture: begun in 1971. While its authors study the ideological content and Significance of the major newspapers and journals, social movements and institutions and political parties in the period under review, each volume has texts which are more closely concerned with broad or narrower aspects of cultural expression . The foreword to volume 1 points immediately to the entry of Quebec into the modern era around the beginning of World War Two. And the key essay by Fernand Dumont, 'Une revolution culturelle?: begins by criticizing for oversimplicity Marcel Rioux's well-known classification of the three major ideological moments of Quebec's evolution as those of 'conservation: 'rattrapage: and 'depassementJparticipation.' Dumont's main thrust seems to be to show that the seeds of the future 'Revolution 506 LETTERS IN CANADA 1982 tranquille' were sown by various movements, publications, and individuals during the war period and the pre-1960s. He also insists that the hegemony of this or that ideological movement was less absolute at a given moment than is generally acknowledged. Dumont argues that because economic structures did not change basically in the period under study, the vast developments in Quebec life were mainly those of a 'revolution culturelle: He also touches interestingly on the relationships between the historians of the 'Montreal school' and major novelists and poets of the pre-war period, the 'joual' controversy and the search for identity, the upsurge of the social sciences and Cite libre, the ties between poetics and politics in the sixties, pluralism and anomie, etc. Towards the end of his stimulating text, Dumont plunges into the recent period seeking some guideposts for the understanding of the young generation of today, 'la premiere ... qui a He exposee des l'enfance it une culture nouvelle: and poses some pertinent questions about popular culture. His provisional conclusion is that in the period in question Quebec has lived through a 'revolution culturelle ou une intelligentzia a essaye de mettre en scene une revolution sociale ... ' While Dumont touched briefly on the literary area in his introductory essay, Maurice Arguin devotes an entire article to the novel: 'Alienation et conscience dans Ie roman quebecois (1944-1965): The editors apologized at the beginning of the volume for not being able to publish other texts bringing this area up to the terminal point of 1976, and this is indeed regrettable. In addition, though, Arguin's text leaves much to be desired, by its lack of clarity and almost exclusive preoccupation with content analysis to...

