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Contributors NORTHROP FRYE Literary critic and theorist, Chancellor of Victoria University and University Professor at the University of Toronto; best known for his study of William Blake, Fearful Symmetry (1947), and The Anatomy of Criticism (1957); his collection of essays on Canadian literature, The Bush Garden, appeared in '97'; a study of the relation of the Bible to Western culture is soon to be published. GUY ROCHER Professor of SOCiology and public law at the Universite de Montreal, member of the editorial boards of a number of learned journals, participant in several public inquiries into education; he is the author of four books, the most recent being Le Quebec en mutation (1973). HUGH MAC LENNAN Novelist and essayist, teacher of literature at McGill University; five times winner of Governor General's Award; his fiction includes Barometer Rising (1941), Two Solitudes (1945), and The Watch That Ends the Night (1959); a new novel is soon to be published. GERARD BESSEtTE Novelist, poet, essayist, anthologist, retired Professor of Quebec literature at Queen's University; his fiction includes L'lncubation (1965) and Le Cycle (1971), both winners of the Governor General's Award, and, most recently, Le Semestre (1979). RALPH GUSTAFSON Poet, antholOgist, teacher of literature at Bishop's University; his own works include River among Rocks (1960), Sift in an Hourglass (1966), Fire on 5tone (1974); best known as an anthologist for The Penguin Book ofCanadian Verse (1958) . MICHELE LALONDE Poet, dramatist, essayist, teacher at the Ecole nationale de theatre; she 1as published three collections of verse, the poem-poster Speak White, md Defense et illustration de la langue quebecoise suivie de prose et poemes 156 CONTRIBUTORS (1979), '1nd is currently preparing a new collection, Quamquam femina: p6esies courtoises et narquoises, which will include the text published here. She won the Prix Duvernay in 1980, ROBERTSON DAVIES Playwright, novelist, essayist, critic, Master of Massey College, teacher of drama at the University of Toronto; his dramatic collections include Four Plays by Robertson Davies (1968) and Hunting Stuart and Other Plays (1972); best known as a novelist for the Deptford Trilogy: Fifth Business (1970), The Manticore (1972), World of Wonders (1975), GRATIEN GELINAS Actor, playwright, director, founder of La Comedie-canadienne (1957); author of Tit-Coq (1948), Bousilleet les justes (1959), Hier les enfants dansaient (1966); he is currently preparing a four-volume edition of his satirical reviews, Les Fridolinades. GEORGE WOODCOCK Essayist, critic, poet, broadcaster, founder of Canadian Literature and its first editor (1959-1977), perhaps Canada's most prolific and versatile man of letters; author of books on George Orwell, anarchism, the Doukhobors , travel, Canadian history and literature, etc, etc. JACQUES ALLARD Critic, teacher, Professor of literature, Universite du Quebec aMontreal; editor-in-chief, Voix et images, litti!rature qUl,bt!coise; author of Zola, Ie chiffre du texte (1978), GODFREY RIDOUT Composer, musician, conductor, teacher of music at the University of Toronto; he has for years regularly contributed programme notes for the Toronto Symphony; his original musical works include Cantiones mysticae (1953) and Fall Fair (1961). ABA BAYEFSKY Artist, creator of two portfolios based on Canadian Indian folklore, Legends (1968) and Forces ofEarth and Sky (1971); his works are represented in major collections in Canada, the United States, India, Australia, Japan, and Israel. HUMPHREY N. MILNES Professor of German, University of Toronto; archivist, University College ; translator and editor of The Ballad of Thrym (1965) and of A Slight Trace of Ash, poems by Walter Bauer (1971), both illustrated by Aba Bayefsky. CONTRIBUTORS '57 W.J. KEITH Professor of English, University College, University of Toronto; author of a number of books on English and Canadian literature, the most recent being The Poetry ofNature (1980); editor of UTQ since 1976. B.-Z. SHEK Professor of French, University College, University of Toronto; author of Social Realism in the French-Canadian Novel (1977); advisory editor, French Writers of Canada series; associate editor of UTQ since 1976. ...

