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192 LEITERS IN CANADA 1992 in Intelll::ctlllal reassurance in been the casebook n't'1T"f'1ot)'I" the latest one of any death from alcointended to in Black and White xvii 114. US HUMANITIES 193 is. its reassurance in out claims to "'renunciation' eXlpe ]·le]lCe~d reader of and The moot is COIlceots stimulates or reifies our ideas 're.Ll2"JIOU.s' writer is what Berland to be of and rootlessness' im;pilring no Berland a code.' Even so, this JOrlg-l;ralrtOllng sources of humcmr '-A .. LH....;U tEmCler:LCY to see the pe:nultirna'te cJhaI:)ter to discuss/Faulkner: &l~r'hOUT""rt the of cate- 194 LETTERS IN CANADA 1992 of the omniscient narrator ::in()pE~Slan moral vacuum - that has created the five nC1001tlal ''''Jr,'''''',,,,. is or ........................ says, 'Narrative ac(=reitiOJ:l, rather like a mosaic in which l1Il'Llte'd S]lgnlhCan(~e but when beautiful form.' Is it the SUI)Stllrrumg that allows Faulkner to achieve 'form'? 1.....................1 he seems narra,tiv'e voices are 'added to' FaulknerJ's 'sixl format that force these can, in .................,'F; se}:)arjatu)ns are rfllnKllng of the nU:lni:ln ulerrles,' one is hard not to sound references to other Faulkner works are welcome for geltler'allZa1:1OJ.lS offered have not been arrived at without reaOlI'IJ;t and Some students will without noncl,ng Linda Munk. The Trivial Sublime: and American Poetics Studies in Literature and Series. St Martin's Press. 196. ...

