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244 LETTERS IN CANADA 1992 tranclOpJhOltleS of the existence of an extensive American response to the best Richard with Bettinotti and Paul Bleton. Litterature en Collection 'Petit Format' 1944-1958. /lpt':IPvf,"t'l'J> /nm'wqrav,fUallie Ex Libris. 336 decade or so since the at the Universite de Sherbrooke of -.... >.r ..... .... _ de recherche sur I'edition litteraire au the In\resllgattlOin of has advanced ....., .....,......."".........'U.. IU!I"".. ""' .... &I'Uo.&.;>o,..;o of the ;:,allllt"jOl!;epn pnIlltml~~;-Jh.o\lse in M()ntreall. ClaSS1nea in their extensive statistical more or romances and ClI:31rl:3l1,n,•.c;:,v are 'romans "'~V''''''-''''I ",'ester:ns.. tales of science .........'...........,.., aaOle!SC~~nts, and of while repre-are less numerous. substantial collection of ........ """....,."''''';'Hn feat in HUMANITIES 245 Mariel O'Neill-Karch. Theatre rratICO-01ttJarten: espaces lua,tqut~s. IntE~rli)~ne. 190 Dans l'introduction de son clalrelnellt Ia dernarche ,........ "...'" de theatre au ...'O.....o,..!t'I"\,,"JO tt'an4:o-·onltaTllen. ...

