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  • XXXXX, and: XXXXX
  • Brian Young (bio)


o resplendent blade (who is it that forgot to make use ((of us)) of the garlic and basil in this dish)

don’t drench the buddha in generic lemon


who dammit will not submit to the simple measures

on the vine of global murder and plunder?

finger this jade necklace run your fingers casually through the flickering

cross of the day just begun

    snowbanks begin     to drift across anyone left out here

        don’t collect them         don’t even consider what’s left to be

further undone such a lake of trout or topiaried leopards as space filled, stuffed into your collar, your cellar

deceit swings, rose to the flesh, the flesh that is

fingered, abandoned. otherwise so and de-suitably over-treeless [End Page 162]


a car will explode today

as one did, or more, yesterday at the appointed hour, as much as can be

wound into that hour       an hour later       another faces his implosion     with a resolve that is without     borders, but a banquet

nevertheless to be arrived at in a burnt fir and a lost language

as reformer as formerly mere kindling in the hand of a transcendence that could not take anything but its place

which you had always thought of as being yours [End Page 163]

Brian Young

Brian Young loves nothing so much as being online, particularly with some stranger, late in the morning.


