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SLS 22 (1979), 1-74 O Linstok Press, Inc. SELECTED REFERENCES TO COENETICS The study of behavioral organization of face-to-face interaction (References marked * are to Kendon's article above and do not belong to the main listing.) Aguilera, D. C. 1969 Relationship between Physical Contact & Verbal Interaction between Nurses & Patients, IPN5, 5-21. Albert, S., & S. Kessler 1976 Processes for Ending Social Encounters: The Conceptual Archaeology of a Temporal Place, ITSP 6, 147-170. Aldis, 0. 1975 Play Fighting (New York, Academic Press). Allen, D. E., & R. F. Guy 1974 Conversation Analysis: The Sociology of Talk (The Hague, Mouton). 1977 Ocular Breaks & Verbal Output, Sociometry 40, 96-99. Almond, R., & A. H. Esser 1965 Tablemate Choices of Psychiatric Patients: A Technique for Measuring Social Contact, JNMD 141, 68-82 Altman, I. 1971 Ecological Aspects of Interpersonal Functioning, in Behavior and Environment, Esser ed., q. v. 1975 The Environment and Social Behavior (Monterey, CA, Brooks-Cole Publishing Co.). Ambrose, J. A. 1960 The Smiling and Related Responses in Early Human Infancy: An Experimental & Theoretical Study of Their Course & Significance. Unpub. Ph. D. dissertation , University of London. 1961 The Development of Smiling Response in Early Infancy , in Determinants of Infant Behavior, Foss ed. (New York, John Wiley). Anderson, J. W. 1972 Attachment Behaviour out of Doors, in Ethological Studies of Child Behaviour, Blurton-Jones ed., q. v. Sign Language Studies 22 Argyle, M. 1969 Social Interaction (London, Methuen). 1972a Non-Verbal Communication in Human Social Interaction, in Non-Verbal Communication, Hinde ed. , q. v. 1972b The Psychology of Interpersonal Behavior (2e) (Hardmondsworth , Penguin Books). 1973a (Ed.) Social Encounters (Hardmondstworth, Penguin). 1973b The Syntaxes of Bodily Communication, Linguistics 112, 71-91. & A. Kendon 1967 The Experimental Analysis of Social Performance, in Advances in Experimental Psychology III, Berkowitz ed. (London, Academic Press). & J. Dean 1965 Eye-Contact, Distance, and Affiliation, Sociometry 28, 289-304. & M. Cook 1976 Gaze and Mutual Gaze (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press). & R. Ingham 1972 Gaze, Mutual Gaze, and Proximity, Semiotica 6, 32-49. M. Lalljee, & M. Cook 1968 The Effects of Visibility on Interaction in a Dyad, Human Relations 21, 3-17. Ashcraft, N., & A. E. Scheflen 1976 People Space: The Making and Breaking of Human Boundaries (Garden City, Anchor- Doubleday) Attewell, P. 1974 Ethnomethodology Since Garfinkel, TS 1, 179-210. *Austin, J. L. 1962 How to Do Things with Words (Oxford, Clarendon Press). Baker, C. 1977 Regulations and Turn-Taking in American Sign Language Discourse, in On The Other Hand, Friedman ed. (New York, Academic Press). Bales, R. F. 1950 Interaction Process Analysis (New York, Addison-Wesley) Ball, D. 1965 Sarcasm and Sociation: The Rhetoric of Interaction, CRSA 2, 190-198. Ciolek et al. B~r, E. 1973 Semiotic Approaches to Human Behavior, Semiotica 8, 132-162. 1974 Compte Rendu: Context Analysis in Psychotherapy, Semiotica 10, 225-281. Barker, L. L., & N. B. Collins 1970 Nonverbal and Kinesic Research, in Methods of Research in Communication, Emmert & Brooks eds. (Boston, Houghton Mifflin). Barnlund, D. C. 1968a Nonverbal Interaction: Introduction, in Interpersonal Communication, Barnlund ed., q. v. 1968b Interpersonal Communication: Survey & Studies (Boston, Houghton Mifflin). Basso, K. 1970 To Give up on Words: Silence in Western Apache Culture, SJA 26. Batchelor, J. P., & G. R. Goethals 1972 Spatial Arrangements in Freely Formed Groups, Sociometry 35, 270-279. *Bates, E. 1976 Language and Context: The Acquisition of Pragmatics (New York, Academic Press). Bates, E., Benigni, Bretherton, Camaioni, & Volterra 1977 From Gesture to First Word, in Interaction, Convention , and the Development of Language, Lewis & Rosenblum eds., q. v. Bateson, G. 1955 A Theory of Play and Fantasy: A Report on Theoretical Aspects of the Project for Study of the Role of Paradoxes of Abstraction in Communication, in Approaches to the Study of Human Personality, American Psychiatric Association: Psychiatric Reports No. 2. 1956 The Message "This is Play", in Group Process: Transactions of the Second Conference, Schaffnered. (NY, Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation). 1973 Steps to an Ecology of Mind: Collected Essays in Anthropology, Psychiatry, Evolution, & Epistemology (Frogmore, Paladin). Bateson, M. C. 1971 The Epigenesis of Conversational Interactions. Paper, Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis. Sign Language Studies 22 Bauman, R., & J. Sherzer (eds.) 1974 Explorations in the Ethnography of Speaking (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press). Baxter, J. C. 1970 Interpersonal Spacing in Natural Settings, Sociometry 33, 444-456. Beattie...

